Monday, August 20, 2018

Final Legal Notes: August 21-25, 2018

Legal Note: August 21, 2018: Good Bye for Good
August 25, 2018: 10:05 PM. Put my last touches on my new 2010-2018 YouTube video chronology. I don't have much faith in page clicking any more, however. Its topmost URL is at, and it holds a pile of non-musical videos that I needed to sort out.

August 25, 2018: 10:05 PM. Looks like I finally got my YouTube posts sorted in my chronology. It was the last thing I needed to do before I could go in peace. I've done all I can for myself here; I've restored as much of my old work as I can to my name. Now I can barely find a browser that doesn't steer me to a fake channel page or studio page when I sign into Google. I'll soon have to type the URL into the window for myself, rather than suffer the impact of stumbling onto someone's hate page. Everything I have here is stored offline and my next step is to register it all in my name. Then I can feel secure about not just leaving Google, but leaving this life.

FINAL NOTE: Don't be fooled by YouTube's new BETA page. It's a different URL from the one I posted my videos to, and it not only lies about my chronology, it insults me. Beware of fishy URL's and altered page backgrounds. Don't click on anything until you're sure you're on the right page. Hope I can catch you somewhere else on the web when things get a little safer. Bye for now.

August 23, 2018: I finally fixed my music chronology from alphabetical to chronological order. I've been meaning to do it for a while, but I couldn't get around to it until now. You might pay special attention to the earlier chronologies, when I was more active in my recording.

FIRST OFF: I pasted over yesterday's post by accident with this post. I can't concentrate because of the terrible stress I've suffered from online difficulties. Anyway, it was just more of the same, as the below videos from yesterday would indicate.

2:13pm. I showed the very helpful technician at the library the discrepancy in song post dates between YouTube's new 'beta' channel and the true dates and times as they appear in an older browser. He said that there was little I could do about it because their service is free. His advice was to stop using YouTube and Blogger. I guess that if all I have to do now is report endless crimes against my accounts with YouTube and Blogger, then he's right. This new change of YouTube's, by making a liar out of me in my chronology of recordings, is utterly wrong. I will be approaching lawyers with my concerns about the harm to my image caused by sharing my work with websites that change the dates of my posts after my posts are stolen by stars.

In 2010, still traumatized to the point of extreme memory loss, I guess I was as naïve as I was in 2007, when I actually wanted to try to make a career out of my music and writing. Now I just want a good lawyer. A good lawyer is all that I've wanted for a long time. I'm tired of being called a liar and a thief all the time when I'm innocent. I'm tired of all my redeeming qualities being credited to some fraud to leave me looking bad. I should be dead of this abuse after eleven years, but I'm not sure killing myself would solve anything either. I just want a lawyer. I don't want to be a star. I hate stars. I'd rather slit my throat with a bread knife than associate with such monsters. And I can't think of a more boring time than their hateful, senseless party. Consider yourself lucky if they don't know you. They look at each of us like a hunter looks through his scope.

My nerves are shot from trying to update my slideshow today. I had to get the library technician to stand over me as I added a few simple bits of information to the code on my page because every time I refreshed the page I'd lose my editing changes. I also find more and more critical options missing from the page functions. I can't stand it anymore. I don't care about anything but justice now. I find that when I focus hard enough on getting something, I eventually succeed. I'm devoting the rest of my life to the legal struggle for justice in my case. And I won't be in the mood to party or sing until I have my justice. Life is barely worth living with no justice in it. They might be able to control my content online, but I have almost every page of this account in my offline slideshow now. I've had no technical issues with times and dates and other truths there because it is offline. Too bad I couldn't have kept all three thousand pages of my account offline, and my life would have been a lot better.

Good bye for good this time. If you see me again, it won't be here. I have to think of my health first. And don't forget: be grateful if you're not a star.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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