Sunday, November 4, 2018

Post Script: November 4, 2018

Post Script: November 4, 2018
I know I said I'd never come back here, but never say 'never', right? I had to address some more legal issues which have built up over the last couple of months. Firstly, how long did it take that comedy dickhead to get back on a stage after I announced my departure from the web? And was everyone happy to see him again, or were they like whomever defaced his billboard in front of the Vancouver Film School and think he's a 'shameless vampire'? Whomever defaced his promotion that did the right thing. It's wrong for criminal frauds to be presented as idols. The business musn't think so, but it is. The other thing is about my music's registration. I've started registering my songs with SAC. Back when they were SOCAN in 2007, I was about to register a batch of songs when I checked and noticed that a member of Blue Rodeo was their president. If you'll recall, Blue Rodeo was the fraud band that had the children in the schoolyard rebuking me as I passed by them to visit lawyers in early 2017. I hope this organization has a new president now. It costs me money to register my songs, but it's a point of honour to me - after all the filthy lies about my ownership. Too bad there's no way I can register my comedy scripts, since they get stolen even more than my songs, but maybe I'll find some way. I had a decent birthday this year. Thanks to anyone who remembered. November 5/18:

This is for criminal investigators, a few thoughts about possible motives for crimes against me and my work. People like this 'Lie Guy', who steal intellectual property, are insecure about their intelligence. And bands like the Crystalids, who steal intellectual property, are insecure about their intelligence. They also want to get rich by breaking the law. Therefore, they would have the sympathy of any local plutocrats who are insecure about their intelligence and who got rich by breaking the law - and perhaps used the money to establish a billboard empire. That might be why it's taking so long to move past this crime at this location. I never minded playing dumb on the job to spare the egos of my superiors in the workplace, but in my music and poetry and comedy, I give more pleasure by being as brilliant as I can be. The only people it causes to suffer are dishonest performers and corrupt business people.

November 6/18:

Just a little more to get off my chest about this issue. I see we're having a municipal referendum. Why don't we have a referendum on the use of public billboards in our municipality? For instance, should public billboards be used to promote convicted frauds and tyrannize their crime victims in the street? We might also more closely examine the wealthy in our municipality to see who among them is actually fit for power. To me, you need more than money to be fit for power, you must also have class. Does Jimmy Peasantsin have class? What class did he flunk out of in school? Class class? Should we have someone who hates artists and wants to destroy music in a position of authority in our municipality? Well, at least I know how to get going on my new comic strip.

(If anyone uses the following I will prosecute them for copyright violation.) Episode 1: Scene: The Vancouver Art Gallery. Tour Guide to Browser: ...And this is The Mona Lisa... And this is Van Gogh's Sunflowers... They come to a beat up license plate mounted in an elegant frame... Browser: What's that? Andy Warhol? Tour Guide: Don't you know? That's Peasantsin's first sale! It's easy to make fun of evil people, but not so easy to keep your work from being violated afterward. See the Netherwork Series I wrote about NBC's evil or Buck Henry, which was inspired by Dick Cheney's evil.

7:41 pm. If there have been any more arrests and incarcerations of offenders of my work, I haven't heard anything about it. I'm at the public library to find another Doctor Who. That last one about plutocracy on the planet Pluto was brilliant (The Sun Makers - 1977). Robert Graves apparently had more freedom to criticize capitalism in 1977 than I do now. Too bad I can't vote for a candidate like Doctor Who. He'd straighten out this municipality fast.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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