Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Script Doctor

Script Doctor
I'm in a situation right now where I have to take a strong position against the industry to validate my ownership claims. I find it uncomfortable but necessary, and I hope I don't offend too many TV and radio fans in my harsh criticisms of broadcasters. It may surprise you to know that I still watch Columbo on DVD, which is an NBC classic. I sometimes wonder if its corrupt, upper-class villains aren't drawn directly from the network's own circles; as a writer, I know that the details that make a script believable are far easier to produce from experience than from imagination. Still, I hope I didn't hurt Peter Falk with my playful lampoon, the Writer Did It - 2011. I think Columbo is a monumental character. In an appearance based society like ours, a character like him is a breath of fresh air. He looks incompetent, but he is a total genius. Appearances count for too much in our society. It opens the door to great evil.

We may live in an unjust world, but if you have a job to focus on through the day and broadcasting to distract you at home, you don't notice it. Corporate broadcasts are designed to distract you in your idle moments and prevent you from ever sensing the injustice of your condition. I once held full-time jobs and used my TV deliberately to this end. After all, out of sight is out of mind, and isn't it better to lose yourself in a good song or a well written work of comedy than to face unpleasant facts? With all those taxpayers out there, I know I'm not the only victim of tyranny by rich oppressors, but I seem to be the only one who cannot turn to broadcasting for my artificial escape from it. This is because the TV and radio were themselves the wrongdoers in my case.

Instead, my escape must be in my own imagination, and I expect to produce a lot more songs and stories in the years ahead. Since I will be writing largely to distract me from my nagging state, I expect that they would make good broadcasting material. It's no coincidence that my dialogues take the form of television scripts; that's the kind of distraction I am seeking with the exercise of writing them. In so doing, I may have inadvertently authored my own oppression when they were stolen and turned to network fraud. Do you see the irony of this situation? My life is plagued by irony. I stumble on it all the time. Eventually, I'll stay down.

I wouldn't have minded other people using my words if I got paid for it. Script doctors do that all the time. I'd be a good script doctor. I edit and improve my own scripts all the time. Anyway, writing has always had a therapeutic effect on me, and I need all the therapy I can get at the moment. I hope everyone liked that last song I posted, by the way. Sounds good to me. You can tell I wrote it out of my head because the chords in that middle part are so awkward.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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