Monday, November 12, 2018

Never Forget Day

Never Forget Day
No holiday today? After a stat holiday fell on a Sunday? If I were a worker, I'd protest.

When I think of November 11, which we call 'Remembrance Day' in Canada, I remember more than the soldiers who fought and who fell for my country, I remember November 11, 2012. Do you remember November 11, 2012? Were any of you tuned into NBC on November 11, 2012? I don't have a TV, of course. Wow, that sure was a difficult day for me. You know, I spent almost the whole day feeling like someone was pushing my head underwater with one hand, and sticking a cattle prod up my ass with the other. I almost jumped off the Burrard Street Bridge on November 11, 2012. Tell me, was there some sort of 'trial' broadcast on that day? Was I up against Jon Stewart over a dispute with my blogs? And then, at the end of the day, was it announced that Jon Stewart was 'out on bail'? I can only guess, of course, but it would explain a lot about how people were treating me on that day.

And lawyers don't like fake trials. They take trials seriously. And I had a lawyer watching out for me in the months that followed. Well, anyway, I won't ever forget November 11, 2012. That's for sure.

November 13/18: Do you print media know what I heard a radio announcer say as I walked by a construction site just now? He put down magazines, saying he hasn't read a magazine in seven years. No? What about the Georgia Straight when it promotes one of his fraud bands with my music? Does that not count? Anyway, he needs to fill all the dead air left behind by me reclaiming my songs with something. I think his lengthy blabbing is a poor substitute, myself. No one reads magazines, eh? What about women? What about all the women who were handed dirty frauds in my place by people like this braying radio announcer? And who all reads my blogs? How did so many end up on TV with other people's names on them if no one reads them? I think bad broadcasters should burn at the stake.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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