Sunday, August 12, 2018

Legal Note: August 12, 2018

Legal Note: August 12, 2018
11:20am. About that physical assault yesterday, I did approach the attacker on my way out and confront him. He appeared to be missing half his brain, so I didn't bother to correct his bad manners for him. I guess I'm just too famous to be in a queue like that now. And I blame irresponsible broadcasting for the disrespect I suffer from strangers like that.

I'm taking this moment to discuss my intellectual barriers to success in show business for legal purposes, since I've not yet uncovered more crime against my web posts, although I'm sure it is present somewhere - perhaps in the newly plagiarized online standup routine being enjoyed by another library patron here, within earshot of me. My two main intellectual barriers to success are:

1) I value my self respect over the chiefly artificial admiration of a broadcast manipulated crowd.

2) I value truth above fame.

You will find all of my over 1,300 statements in this account consistent with this position, as well as many of my comedy scripts.

Someone recently told me that no self respecting lawyer would accept a client who couldn't afford his fee. I guess he's never heard of lawyers working pro-bono, which was the case for my lawyers in 2013. I let him have his say, but I strongly disagreed with his concept of self respect. Self respect cannot be bought with money but is commonly sold for it. Self respect comes from being true to your heart and your knowledge and your principles. As such, it is available to paupers and tycoons alike. It is from self respect that I'm pleased to have avoided playing along with the industry that wanted me to blindly open for bands like Nickleback and legitimize their fraud with my music for big bucks. I'd rather stay poor and keep my self respect, and I'm sure that most of you would defend the same choice in my place.

Truth is my other barrier to success in show business because I refuse to bullshit. Bullshitting is part of 'playing the game' to get ahead in society, such as on a resume that fibs about one's background. My online resume is bluntly honest, which is why it is so absurd that it has been plagiarized by comedians, and why I wouldn't dream of using it for a real job application. The only job I refuse to bullshit for is the job God gave me, the job of being an artist. And being truthful in my work has held me back. For instance, being truthful in my opposition to the Iraq War turned into a barrier for me in show business, but not for Rosie O'Donnell who wanted to bullshit you with my posts on that topic, and not for George Carlin who wanted to make you laugh with my posts on that topic. I am further restrained by all the unpleasant truth I have been forced to share with the public as the fraud victim of so many rich and famous people. This is the fault of broadcasters, who want to hide this unpleasant truth from the public to spare their precious two-dimensional appearance of respectability. Are they in church today to bullshit God, now that they're done bullshitting the public for another week? I'm sure Dean Christ, their dick signed Jesus, will grant them absolution for their vile sins.

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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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