Monday, August 20, 2018

Final Legal Notes: August 21-25, 2018

Legal Note: August 21, 2018: Good Bye for Good
August 25, 2018: 10:05 PM. Put my last touches on my new 2010-2018 YouTube video chronology. I don't have much faith in page clicking any more, however. Its topmost URL is at, and it holds a pile of non-musical videos that I needed to sort out.

August 25, 2018: 10:05 PM. Looks like I finally got my YouTube posts sorted in my chronology. It was the last thing I needed to do before I could go in peace. I've done all I can for myself here; I've restored as much of my old work as I can to my name. Now I can barely find a browser that doesn't steer me to a fake channel page or studio page when I sign into Google. I'll soon have to type the URL into the window for myself, rather than suffer the impact of stumbling onto someone's hate page. Everything I have here is stored offline and my next step is to register it all in my name. Then I can feel secure about not just leaving Google, but leaving this life.

FINAL NOTE: Don't be fooled by YouTube's new BETA page. It's a different URL from the one I posted my videos to, and it not only lies about my chronology, it insults me. Beware of fishy URL's and altered page backgrounds. Don't click on anything until you're sure you're on the right page. Hope I can catch you somewhere else on the web when things get a little safer. Bye for now.

August 23, 2018: I finally fixed my music chronology from alphabetical to chronological order. I've been meaning to do it for a while, but I couldn't get around to it until now. You might pay special attention to the earlier chronologies, when I was more active in my recording.

FIRST OFF: I pasted over yesterday's post by accident with this post. I can't concentrate because of the terrible stress I've suffered from online difficulties. Anyway, it was just more of the same, as the below videos from yesterday would indicate.

2:13pm. I showed the very helpful technician at the library the discrepancy in song post dates between YouTube's new 'beta' channel and the true dates and times as they appear in an older browser. He said that there was little I could do about it because their service is free. His advice was to stop using YouTube and Blogger. I guess that if all I have to do now is report endless crimes against my accounts with YouTube and Blogger, then he's right. This new change of YouTube's, by making a liar out of me in my chronology of recordings, is utterly wrong. I will be approaching lawyers with my concerns about the harm to my image caused by sharing my work with websites that change the dates of my posts after my posts are stolen by stars.

In 2010, still traumatized to the point of extreme memory loss, I guess I was as naïve as I was in 2007, when I actually wanted to try to make a career out of my music and writing. Now I just want a good lawyer. A good lawyer is all that I've wanted for a long time. I'm tired of being called a liar and a thief all the time when I'm innocent. I'm tired of all my redeeming qualities being credited to some fraud to leave me looking bad. I should be dead of this abuse after eleven years, but I'm not sure killing myself would solve anything either. I just want a lawyer. I don't want to be a star. I hate stars. I'd rather slit my throat with a bread knife than associate with such monsters. And I can't think of a more boring time than their hateful, senseless party. Consider yourself lucky if they don't know you. They look at each of us like a hunter looks through his scope.

My nerves are shot from trying to update my slideshow today. I had to get the library technician to stand over me as I added a few simple bits of information to the code on my page because every time I refreshed the page I'd lose my editing changes. I also find more and more critical options missing from the page functions. I can't stand it anymore. I don't care about anything but justice now. I find that when I focus hard enough on getting something, I eventually succeed. I'm devoting the rest of my life to the legal struggle for justice in my case. And I won't be in the mood to party or sing until I have my justice. Life is barely worth living with no justice in it. They might be able to control my content online, but I have almost every page of this account in my offline slideshow now. I've had no technical issues with times and dates and other truths there because it is offline. Too bad I couldn't have kept all three thousand pages of my account offline, and my life would have been a lot better.

Good bye for good this time. If you see me again, it won't be here. I have to think of my health first. And don't forget: be grateful if you're not a star.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Legal Note: August 19, 2018

Legal Note: August 19, 2018

1:39PM. I'm leaving the library now, happy to have at least been able to post my listed chronology of my 52 recordings from 2010 because my slideshow is under constant, and extremely illegal, attack. I'm making another one for 2011. You've likely been lied to about my songs ever since 2013, when I got a lawyer to incarcerate and punish that wicked Dateline host who looked so immaculate and harmless to you while she was trying to lure me onto a stage to open for fraud bands that stole my music. TV people like that lie so much when they're being nice, imagine how much they lie when they're out for their fraud victim's blood, like they are now, against me. Yes, and make sure to get a good look at George Carlin's criminal mug in the 'related videos' when you come to me for music, because it was stupid, impersonating, lying fucks like that that cost me all my music.


12:13PM. Lines going across my Juice video. Do I have to keep being interrupted by crime while I'm working on a very difficult problem here in the public library?

11:33PM. I'll be making a video of myself for lawyers, in order to show them that I'm constantly reporting abuse of my videos to Blogger. They're attacking my videos right now. I have it on camera, as I struggle to chronologize my early recordings. Stars are attacking their fraud victim with more crime to protect their images.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Legal Note: August 18, 2018

Legal Note: August 18, 2018
5:21PM. I see stinking, view stealing lines all over my videos in my chronology today. I'm trying to fix my 2010's while their destroying my other years of recordings with their stinking, endless crime. Fuck.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Legal Note: August 17, 2018

Legal Note: August 17, 2018
6:47pm. I'm noticing that when I download certain videos from my YouTube account, such as my first posts of Fool, Free, and Conviction, that it does not save the video by its title, but just as 'video'. Why does it do that for those songs? How long has it been doing that?

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Legal Note: August 16, 2018

Legal Note: August 16, 2018
11:30am. I could tell there were a few things going on with my posts since my last time here, but I didn't want to let pea brained offenders think they had power by making me suffer. Did their views go up a lot in the last 24 hours? And did mine stay the same? They must be popular.

I'm back to grab a few dates for my home files and to add a few missing links to my indexes.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Legal Note: August 15, 2018

Legal Note: August 15, 2018
11:49am. Maybe you think the abuse of my music to gather page views for someone else, or the heisting of my profile page to confuse everyone about my work's ownership, wouldn't have any impact on me unless I was aware of it, but it does. It feels like an invasion of criminal taunters. It feels like the keys to my brain have been handed over to criminals from skills taught by stars they met in prison. It feels like old fashioned Nazi hate technology at work, using the hate to kill and to make the act look trivial. It's not aiming for genocide, though, just the murder of an individual. It's arguable who will kill this person first, as surly strangers bare their teeth at me in the library or the bread line: his enemies or himself.

9:10am. Something I was subjected to this morning from a radio speaker has helped me to gather a picture for you of where my head is at these days. Let me ask you, at 7:30 am, in the middle of the week, why must our ears be assaulted by the obnoxious, artificial bitterness of some pretentious, spoiled asshole on the rock radio? I find mellow songs like Godspeed far more pleasant at this tender hour. Don't you? And it hasn't already been played to death either. On the other hand, the appeal of my heavier songs comes from having real, righteous bitterness to express, and seems far more convincing than what they make us listen to on the radio. But radio music is half image, and my image is always under constant assault, isn't it? Did I steal Survival again? Who says its theirs? Do they have anything else like it? Is it a hit, now that they stole it? What did I say in my blog about how to detect a fraud again, that a fraud shows off with his stolen work when it may be gathering dust in the victim's account? How many times have I repeated it? I don't care much for that song anymore, but I still think it's better than a lot of what's on the rock radio. And am I in jail again? Jrail? Oh, that won't help my image. Tell me, why do you sign the dicks of frauds if you just let them and their friends drive their victim to afterward suicide with endless, poisonous, sexually humiliating lies? Why don't you just hang the victim and take a shortcut? Is it so you can have the illusion of justice? Looks like summer's almost over. Women, you can put your clothes back on and stop scowling now. Don't worry, I felt a lot more naked than you, and that it was for your amusement and not your pleasure. What did everyone hate me for this summer? Never mind, as long as you hated me. Oh, I'm innocent, by the way, just a solitary man who is constantly picked on by larger groups of predators. They surround me and have me isolated. They cut me off from my online followers, so that I stay helpless as this horror unfolds year after year after year. Kind of put a damper on my creative spirit, though, when I think about it.

I just want to register my work and end my life now. Hope this note will hold you for a while. I'm sick of this blog, too.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Legal Note: August 13, 2018

Legal Note: August 13, 2018

5:27pm. I just want to make sure my work stays in my name after I die. That's my only concern now. I've been so mistreated by the business that I see no future for myself with them, and since they control all the avenues for artists, I have no future to look forward to. I don't want to live in this artificial world anymore. I just want to register my work and die. I've suffered enough.

12:28pm. After having the strong sense of my work being violated from 10:00am to now, I came to the library to check and could not find any real evidence for my camera. Maybe someone is making their own video of my music or my comedy again. I need my headphones to catch that. I can tell I'm recieving a lot of taunts from criminals from some stunt they pulled. Maybe you know about it better than I do. Maybe you're even cheering them on, from being on the same side as those monsters on TV.

The last thing I feel like doing is partying. When you write all this work from your heart and share it with the world and it gets used to make barbarians look human while they tell everyone lies about your dick, the last thing you want to do is party. When you have a co-tenant who thinks you're a wimp because some stranger came up behind you and slapped you on the back of your head and you wouldn't go to jail for it, it really destroys your partying spirit. When you have a big, nasty corporate criminal throwing their money all around to destroy your life because of their crimes with your work, you don't really feel like singing any more. When they take the system that's supposed to protect you and use it to inflict endless injuries on you, you just stay at home, make a good record of everything, and save your money for a lawyer.

10:19am. About that soup line assassin who attacked me from behind, he looks a lot like that thug they caught on camera for the local news when they were talking about how disabled people were getting mugged and robbed in the street. They had a clip of someone who looks a lot like him, with two others at his side, bringing his arm up to knock down some old lady in the park. That was about ten years ago, I guess - back when I still watched their broadcasts. Is it the same person? Would anyone in the local media recognize him? Why did he need to do that to me? Did he hear something about me? Did he hear something like what the lady with the big scary dog heard in 2015, after a whole summer of fraud abuse by another local star? Has no one caught on to this pattern yet but the repeat victim? That doesn't surprise me if everyone must listen to the culprits explain it all to them on TV and the radio.

I got my income tax prepared for me today for free at First United Church. Why doesn't H&R Block send some assassins over to them for taking away their profits? That's the excuse I keep hearing for all the abuse that's been heaped on me for writing and sharing my music and comedy for free. I guess all the assassins are concentrated in show business and broadcasting. Any reason why they're still on the air to harm their victim? Is it to show us that artists have no rights? Or is it to let them tell more lies about me to protect their image? You just know the assault came from them when it comes from behind. I'm just waiting for the knives to come out on their behalf.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Legal Note: August 12, 2018

Legal Note: August 12, 2018
11:20am. About that physical assault yesterday, I did approach the attacker on my way out and confront him. He appeared to be missing half his brain, so I didn't bother to correct his bad manners for him. I guess I'm just too famous to be in a queue like that now. And I blame irresponsible broadcasting for the disrespect I suffer from strangers like that.

I'm taking this moment to discuss my intellectual barriers to success in show business for legal purposes, since I've not yet uncovered more crime against my web posts, although I'm sure it is present somewhere - perhaps in the newly plagiarized online standup routine being enjoyed by another library patron here, within earshot of me. My two main intellectual barriers to success are:

1) I value my self respect over the chiefly artificial admiration of a broadcast manipulated crowd.

2) I value truth above fame.

You will find all of my over 1,300 statements in this account consistent with this position, as well as many of my comedy scripts.

Someone recently told me that no self respecting lawyer would accept a client who couldn't afford his fee. I guess he's never heard of lawyers working pro-bono, which was the case for my lawyers in 2013. I let him have his say, but I strongly disagreed with his concept of self respect. Self respect cannot be bought with money but is commonly sold for it. Self respect comes from being true to your heart and your knowledge and your principles. As such, it is available to paupers and tycoons alike. It is from self respect that I'm pleased to have avoided playing along with the industry that wanted me to blindly open for bands like Nickleback and legitimize their fraud with my music for big bucks. I'd rather stay poor and keep my self respect, and I'm sure that most of you would defend the same choice in my place.

Truth is my other barrier to success in show business because I refuse to bullshit. Bullshitting is part of 'playing the game' to get ahead in society, such as on a resume that fibs about one's background. My online resume is bluntly honest, which is why it is so absurd that it has been plagiarized by comedians, and why I wouldn't dream of using it for a real job application. The only job I refuse to bullshit for is the job God gave me, the job of being an artist. And being truthful in my work has held me back. For instance, being truthful in my opposition to the Iraq War turned into a barrier for me in show business, but not for Rosie O'Donnell who wanted to bullshit you with my posts on that topic, and not for George Carlin who wanted to make you laugh with my posts on that topic. I am further restrained by all the unpleasant truth I have been forced to share with the public as the fraud victim of so many rich and famous people. This is the fault of broadcasters, who want to hide this unpleasant truth from the public to spare their precious two-dimensional appearance of respectability. Are they in church today to bullshit God, now that they're done bullshitting the public for another week? I'm sure Dean Christ, their dick signed Jesus, will grant them absolution for their vile sins.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Legal Note: August 11, 2018

Legal Note: August 11, 2018
4:36pm. Posted the below video to YouTube. Watch it to see how dependent the 'YouTube stars' are on my real life for their fake popularity.

2:04pm. (Big event of the day: I was physically assaulted at 11:31am today. Read further down.) The assaults on my lyrics index that I discovered this morning have been ravaging unchecked since at least 10:45pm last night, when I was unable to access the internet after library hours.

1:23pm. About justice, it means that a crime victim prevails over his criminal assailants. That's why we still have no justice in my ongoing case. Police, how long will it take for these evil broadcasting tyrants, like 102.7 the Peak, and like CBC with George Strombopoulos and Ian Hanoomansing, to arm their listless followers from the protective custody wing with knives to send me to the hospital with stab wounds in my back? When will they finally show their true colours to the world by such a treacherous, bloody act against their famous crime victim? And if they donate to charity, how much of their charitable donation came from cashing in my hit songs and hit blogs in the last eleven years? How much of a tax deduction have they received from our benevolent government for their enabling role in myriad crimes committed with my thousands of honest web posts in the last nineteen years that I've been sharing my work in accounts like this one?

About being a pussy, I doubt that any of the spoiled stars and broadcasters who assaulted me with their plagiarizing hate could handle my life even for a minute. They've grown used to public worship, or, at least, respect. They couldn't lower themselves to be seen in a soup line. As for the physical assault, it did not hurt at all. I barely felt it. On the other hand, the assaults on my music and blogs that I report here almost every day hurt me tremendously.

There is no justice in my life. I only wanted to do what God put me here to do, create music and laughter and share it with my brothers and sisters. And just for being myself and living my own life in a field full of impersonating assholes, I end up getting cuffed across the back of my head when I stand in line to pay for my damn broken teeth that someone else broke with their stupid abuse (older brother). Fuck, I get whacked around from the age of five by my older brothers at home, and then I'm supposed to get smacked around by strangers for telling people I wrote my own damn songs and blogs! And do you think I ever expected all this attention when I hail from the middle of the sticks? No, this was YouTube's and Blogger's gift to an ordinary, unassuming citizen; the gift that keeps on gouging.

12:25pm. Lines recorded still appearing over all my music videos when I click my links on my lyrics index more than once or twice.

11:31am. I was physically assaulted from behind, in front of witnesses, while standing in line for a food handout at Dunlevy and Powell. This is the first time anyone has laid a hand on me over my web posts in my entire life. I suspect the attacker to be a consumer of poisonous, fraud-supporting broadcast signals. I could not engage him in fight because I need to keep my record clean, in order to cross the border and find a good American lawyer who will protect me better than this.

This person who attacked me from behind is one who has nothing to lose by going to jail. His attack was meant to provoke me into a fight, so that I would go to jail for a violent incident. That's where the local culprits want me, in jail. I've lost face with one of the witnesses, a fellow tenant of my building, because I would not go back and kick the shit out of this pawn. But I don't know this stranger, and whatever he knows about me was put into his head to turn him against me. I think we should look for a local star or broadcaster as the true culprit of this physical assault today, as the ones who would do anything to prevent me from eventually crossing the border into an area where my popularity is not so bitterly opposed as it is here.

11:09am to 11:15am. I recorded lines appearing across every video I clicked on from my lyrics index. URLS recorded under attack include:


I expect my profile portrait to come under attack following this announcement.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Legal Note: August 10, 2018

Legal Note: August 10, 2018
6:14pm. Made some small adjustments to my Chronoblog, for the year 2012, to make it a little more accurate.

5:51pm. I just noticed that I was the only one out of millions on the internet to coin the phrase, justice before profits. What a profound pity.

12:19pm. After adding my 2018 posts to my offline file structure, I posted the above video to YouTube.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Legal Note: August 9, 2018

Legal Note: August 9, 2018
1:35PM. Black line running across middle of my profile portrait at this URL:

1:30pm. Lines running across all my videos at this URL:

1:26pm. Line running across my portrait in my profile at this URL: Could someone please take care of this because I have other things to do.

1:18pm. Lines running across my Denial video as soon as I looked at it. Did everyone else get a lot of views from that? Am I the only one who can see the violation? And what would happen if I click around? Would a black line appear over my portrait again? Great fun. Well, I have work to do at home on my offline file structure, where my files are out of reach from hackers. That's the only reason I came here today, to download more information for that.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Legal Note: August 8, 2018

Legal Note: August 8, 2018
I'm in a good mood, since I got my new tooth installed and it fits in well, but it's obvious that there's a lot of crime going on with my profile and my web posts. At these times, I notice that radio stations like the Peak will try to launch the career of a suspicious new star. Concerning their larger than life logo, the Nazis were such an inspiration to these corporations, weren't they? (I'm not trying to be funny for that impersonating bitch.) They make it large scale. They use repetition. Only, in the Peak's case, instead of attacking Jews, they attack me.

About that video post where I discuss the grief thief, there was more to it. I also recited part five of the Host (the Fire) on the same clip. I'd rather not restore it, but redo it. I hate the sound of my lisping caused by my broken front tooth, something I won't have to worry about anymore. It spoiled the poem for me. I hope that's a good enough reason to erase it. Everyone probably downloaded it by then anyway.

About Ottawa, I had good reasons to go to Ottawa, both in September 2007 and January 2013: I thought I might see my real page views from there, I have relatives there, and I thought the legal climate might be safer than the scene of the crime in Vancouver. It turned out to be a good, smart decision. So, what about it? How does it incriminate me?

I wish I could have the benefit of the doubt after being on the internet since 1999, but if we're finished with the interrogation, I'll just take a look and see if the impersonators are still active in my profile on my index pages. I'll have to make a video recording of their faces on my URL's for my next legal discussion about how to report abuse on Blogger.

Okay, I Googled my name for lyrics and the way to ask for my lyrics is to type David Skerkowski lyrics az, otherwise you'll end up with nothing but Tobacco Use Can Make You Insolent posts. Make sure it's the right face in my profile there. It should be the same as my face on my August 4, 2015 post of my song Denial.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Orwellian Ordeal

Orwellian Ordeal

7:06pm. I reported the assaults of malware and impersonation to Blogger for all the good it will do. At least it's more fulfilling than empty headed partying at such a dark time in my life. Pardon me, but this is fucking miserable.




6:54pm And while you're talking to the pirates of the Peak, could you ask them WHO HAS THEIR FACE STUCK IN OVER MINE IN MY PROFILE PHOTO ON MY LYRICS INDEX AT 6:55PM AS I JUST RECORDED WITH MY VIDEO CAMERA?

Oh, should I have pulled down my wet socks for the video so I could look like I didn't need to wash them in the tub after broadcasters made millions of dollars from my work and left me unpaid? Why don't you get Tina Fey to go on TV and slander me again with them, now that she's been released from confinement to party over her victim's living corpse?

Did you ever read Orwell's 1984? At the climax of the story, the victim hero, Winston Smith, sits in the chair of interrogation at the Ministry of Love. His brutal inquisitor, O'Brien, asks him, 'how does one confirm his power over others?' Winston replies, 'by making them suffer.' O'Brien tells him that he is right, for only by making someone suffer can you be sure that he is following your will and not his own. And I have sustained an awful lot of suffering at the hands of power. They are certainly in control of my well being. And I wish I'd never read that book. In fact, I wish I'd never been born into this world.

You'll find that cartoon posted with my other Wally cartoons in my We're All Dying blog on this page. Just click on it to enlarge it.

6:14pm. Before I continue on this theme, I want to ask about the event being held in front of the scene of so many music crimes here in Vancouver, the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. What band is playing? Who wrote their music? Could it be the same author who wrote All My Money, Arise, Assault, Beguiled, Canopy, Chair, Easy, Ectomorph, Fantasies, Fool, Fool's Paradise, Fortune, Free, Goddess, Godspeed, Harmony, Lifeless, Mischief, More Sold Out, Nonplussed, Outside, Prone, Rusty, Size, Smile, Spoils, Therapy, and Virtue, to name of few of my own songs that I heard the radio illegally playing? And most recently, Slings and Arrows? Ask 102.7, the Pike, the radio station that broadcast all these songs of mine to let frauds be rewarded with sex for stealing my work and telling the world lies about my dick.

Just a little extra note about this: frauds are always ready to party with my work because they suffer no trauma from their crime. When you're a rotten, song stealing prick and all you do is heap abuse on your innocent victim, you must always be in a partying mood. But when you're like me, constantly recovering from deep emotional injuries caused by crimes committed with your work, you hardly ever feel like partying. The more they want to 'party', the more suspicious you should be of them.

And now, back to my theme. I thought of another close comparison of this nightmare world of broadcast tyranny to Orwell's Oceana. Winston Smith's job was to alter old newspaper stories to conform with the present position of his government. Orwell must have got the idea from learning how Stalin would remove the faces of public figures from the record during his terrible regime. And the way our broadcasters are trying to present the Iraq War without any mention of the comedy and music that was so popular at that time, in order to remove my presence from history, is identical to both Stalin and 1984's Ministry of Truth.

There is one sharp contrast, however, between the brutality envisioned by Orwell and that which is practiced by culpable broadcasters today. The brutality practiced by the Orwell's thought police was fierce and frontal, whereas broadcasters rely much more on treachery. Their brutality is not frontal, which would at least give me a chance to decapitate one of them with my fist before I went down, but cowardly and backstabbing in nature.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Bad Crime Day?

Bad Crime Day?
I'm just adding a little note from an emergency computer because I forgot about the BC Day holiday today. My enemies like to attack me when my hands are tied, such as when I am unable to get on the internet to check my account. So please be on the lookout for other people's faces appearing in my profile in my lyrics index or my other indexes. Please watch for anyone impersonating my library visits of the last couple of weeks. And be extra wary of anyone gathering large numbers of views for videos that are all appearance and no substance. But above all, be careful of my content falling into the hands of frauds. I'll just have to bite the bullet for twenty-four hours until the libraries open again. Have a nice day.

A quick note about law enforcement: I hope that they are not merely enforcing the law with one hand and supporting the crimes against me with the other. Letting me be assaulted by someone from eleven years ago, as what happened in June this year, strikes me as trying to start over again with another round of countless violations for the next eleven years of my poor life. I truly hope I am wrong.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Starving for My Honour

Starving for My Honour

Doesn't look like the police are going to come to let me show them my crime clips, so I guess I'll just have to keep posting them, as above. And as long as the crime persists, I see no reason to share any more cartoons, songs, poems, or comedy scripts, but I do see the need to go on a flagging campaign soon.

You know, I don't want to have a big list of superstars who steal my work in this account. I don't need to pick a fight with countless strangers. I don't want to shame a Vice President of the United States. I don't want to starve to pay my dentist's bills. I don't want to be Debbie Downer when people want to celebrate. All I want is my honour, since I wrote my work and there is always such a dispute over it. There is still hope for a happy ending, the hope that those who now struggle to sustain an appearance of honour will admit their fault, repent, and have true honour restored to them.

Related to the video: Bust of the Day (recently restored from August 2017).
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Nice as a Victim: Memories of 2004

Nice as a Victim: Memories of 2004

I've had to shell out $1,142.00, so far, to fix one tooth, and I'm standing in soup lines to pay for it over two months. And how much money did Rosie O'Donnell make from plagiarizing my non-commercial protest of the Iraq war from 2002 to 2008? And is this right, as long as it happens to me? I see us all as victims when stars gang up and assault innocent members of the public, as per the above video.

How is everyone this morning? How are all the bloodthirsty stars and reporters who lie to them? Are we making sure that my life is discouraging enough? Stars consume blood illegally drained from my arm and now someone wants to take food out of my stomach as I approach the food bank and receive no assistance to clear the way for a commercial picnic. Gee, as starve and bleed in return for sharing all that pleasant music and comedy from my heart, I wonder if I won't drop dead from their cruelty after all. I'm sure it would please them.

Now here's what I wrote and shared in my 1999-2007 Blogger account in March 2004. Those lovely stars read it and obviously said, 'if he's our fan, everyone will think he got his work from us.' And they said, 'he's as nice as a slaughtered lamb.' You keep trusting them if you want. Don't say I didn't warn you. Their crime is nothing short of a nightmare.

March 8, 2004


I have been hard on the television media.  There are many redeeming things to say about it.  Arguing sometimes confines one to a narrow position.  Logic does not leave room, as in real life, for contradiction.  In order to argue effectively, I can not afford to give ground to a contradiction, but must save it for a separate argument.

I fear some of my views may have hurt innocent people.  For this I am extremely sorry.  Life is painful.  My malevolence was only a deflection of the same directed at me and was not intended to damage innocent bystanders.  We all have a tough time dealing with pain in a way that prevents its spread.

I was raised on TV. The kind of shows they used to write then are gone, but have nevertheless been replaced by some brilliant new ones.

I am not sure what category The Trailer Park Boys fits in, but it is one of the funniest and most realistic programs I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. Its stars deserve credit for their sharp improvisational skills, giving their dialogues the natural flow of real conversation. The Simpsons is an all-time classic, its quality of writing unmatched by any cartoon before it.  Hats off to Conan O'Brian for being involved with some of the preceding's celebrated scripts and for charming us all by his own quirky good nature.  And Jon Stewart is a more trusted source in news than anyone else who makes the claim, while SNL has occupied my weekends for thirty years.

Even certain commercials have their appeal, such as the inspirational Adidas campaign.

My only complaint is that you are all too good, and so by distracting me you interfere with my work.  All the same, you have my gratitude for making this passive-aggressive-loner-with-an-overactive-brain's life a lot easier to live.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Poetic Fallout: Attention SOCAN

Poetic Fallout
3:25pm. I've come back to get some more information to help me with my Google searches to flag all the YouTube offenders of my copyright. I'm very well organized with my home file structure, which cannot be destroyed by web crime.

Hey, local media, did you ever stop to think that maybe I'm a big star on the web? Some boy yelled, 'keep fighting, brother!' at me from a school bus, on the way home from my visit earlier. Do you know what he meant by it? He meant that he wanted me to die because I'd just said that a poet fights to the death for his honour. Yuk! Yuk! Yuk! His little mind has been poisoned by the hate you drill into his head with your evil, lying broadcast signals that support vicious frauds in their bids to become stars with my work and my online popularity. And how's your summer so far? Is it the way you planned, with frauds dancing all over my head again? Did you want me to make another video where I complain about the hate I suffer from passers-by in the street? Now I see where it's coming from. I notice a direct link between those lines over my videos and public rejection. I didn't catch it until this summer, and why don't people visit my Chronoblog to see what every summer since 2013 has been like for me.

And you media must hate it when my ordinary little videos get so much more attention than their fancy, flashy videos. I don't think people browse YouTube to look for TV stars, they go there looking for real people. No one wants to look at a YouTube star pretending to be a TV star; it's totally obnoxious. But your little pets appear to compensate for this by gaming my posts to send my views over to them to hypnotize everyone with their hate.

Is she so hilarious? Don't expect me to be anymore. All that happens is that someone like her steals my work and then the media gets everyone to thank her for her crime and reject me for my effort. And who is she? Does she ever cruise around in a stretch vehicle that I caught on camera at 12:31pm on Pender Street, with the license plate number KX-2462? I find that vehicle crossing my path a lot this summer and it has tinted windows. I wonder who might be inside, stalking me.

Stardom sucks. Do the media say it's great? Well, I think I had them on my side, waving their pom-pom's in the air for me for most of 2010 to 2012, and it was horrible. And my experience since then has been just as horrible. Stardom really stinks. The only good thing about it would be the piles of money that the media and the business seem to want vicious frauds to have for my good efforts.

Library closes early at this branch from Friday to Sunday. Please be on the lookout for crimes on my web pages. Go to the offenders' pages on YouTube and report them. And please take notice of anyone whose views only grow at night when I have to sleep. I'll be saving my daily shots of web crime for a monthly compilation. It's more impressive when I can show it happening day after day after day. [How did this paragraph get erased? My mistake? I hope so.]

Thank you. Have a good weekend.

1:31pm. And does this attention grabber argue with 'page views'? Has her profile been gathering views in the last few days from my profile being raped and me not discovering it until now? How are her views affected when I report all these assaults on my account? Now I recorded all my YouTube videos since 2010 with horizontal lines running across them here on Blogger. Still no way to control this problem, except by me freaking out and erasing my accounts? Don't hold your breath for that. I will be bringing my headphones to the library soon, though. And this time, my work is online to argue for me when I flag these fiends and send them to prison.

1:25pm. Now my profile portrait is harmed in my live recordings slideshow. I recorded it. Does Blogger only want me to see my face all crossed out by ugly crime every time I check? It tends to happen when I click on the title links ('2015 Recordings in blue arial font, for instance) from the scrolling version, in order to isolate a specific slideshow on the scroll. Those YouTube stars are popular, eh? WITH MY POPULARITY! HA!

1:21pm. I returned to the same URL and found my profile unchanged from its criminally compromised state. Again, I recorded it with my camera. Can someone please clean this crime off of my web page now?

12:45pm. I noticed that I lost my profile after clicking on my videos in my 2015 chronology this afternoon. I took pictures for my lawyers. Who says she's me with my profile? And does she get the views for my 2015 music posts, too? Is it the same one who everyone has been so poisoned by here? Is it the one they are so eager to tell me about just before I come here and find my online accounts under attack: she says this and she says that? And is my account fixed yet? How does that affect her page views? Why does she stay online after I catch this crime every day for a month?

Now, for what I wanted to talk about when I came here. Have any of you ever heard of Pushkin? I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I've not read much of his work outside of Dostoevsky's honorable mention in novels like the Idiot, but I know a little about how he died: he died fighting for his honor in a duel. I don't know the details of the duel, but I do know about the honour of a poet. A poet's life is a life of bitter truth which often sets him apart from others. As such, a poet is typically called upon to fight and die for his honour.

In addition to what I told you about the arrest of Dean Christ of the Crystalids, I should mention that SOCAN stepped up on my behalf. (Thank you, SOCAN. That goes a long way to winning my trust in your organization.) I think I joined SOCAN a long time ago, but I doubt I'm still with them. I will be registering all my work with SOCAN to bring their lawyers on my side in these ridiculous disputes. If you're planning a future with anything I wrote on the internet, you're going to have SOCAN lawyers crawling all over you.

Of course, it costs money to register all my work. I have a lot of work, and there may be a lot of fees involved to cover it all. Right now, I'm giving all my money to the dentist. One thing at a time. And I've still not brought my headphones to the library to report all the empty heads who need my blogs for their comedy routines and my songs for their concerts. That's going to be bloodbath.

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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.