Thursday, December 6, 2018

Attention YouTube Sponsors

Attention YouTube Sponsors
Just to give everyone an idea of the stress I suffer from telling you the truth about broadcasters in this case, when I was about to leave the library earlier, after making the below points about my innocence and honour, I heard a fan of that web fraud say, 'she knows you're mental'. Well, aside from the image assault and the obviously bigoted attitude related to this remark, they don't let crazy people say that stars ripped them off on the internet. Stars are paranoid about their image and they would prosecute anyone who would damage it by deceit. In my case, they can do nothing because I'm telling the truth. And when you look at the truth I'm trying to tell you, it should explain why someone is always contradicting it. As for being 'mental', I'm pretty fucking stressed out from this bitch on the internet who has been fucking with my web pages all year since at least June - when are you going to bust her? - but I think it's more insane for her and her star heroes of the past to pretend they're me when they steal my blogs and songs that they don't know how to write.

I should start this by saying how to understand the lack of commercials on my YouTube pages, since I'm sure someone has already tried to insinuate my guilt from it. Ask yourself, why would someone steal a bunch of music and have no commercials on his page to make money from it? Of course, no thief would steal without a guarantee of payment. So what's so great about having all my songs up with no commercials on them after they made all that money for frauds? Well, if you wrote the work yourself, as is the case with me, then you are paid by your pride when you share your achievements with the world. Of course, chronic song thieves can't understand such a payment, since they never write songs like mine - if they even write songs at all. Paid strictly by my author's pride, then, my lack of paying commercials should indicate to you, after eleven years of constant posting, that I am and always was the only author of my work. On the other hand, if you catch anything of mine outside my URL's with a commercial on the page, you should flag it down immediately.

I'll eventually get a credit card and set up an 'Adsense' account to try to make some money from my YouTube videos. In the meantime, I thought I should inform the YouTube sponsors that rogue YouTube members are charging them money for my music on the internet. I know that these sponsors are decent and would want no part of any hideous music fraud, so I'm sure they'll pursue the appropriate action against the offenders. I think it's disgusting to see this crime with my songs get committed so often when it's so perverse, but it seems the authorities just want to stand there with folded arms and let it happen to me. This raises a question about human rights in our society, a society where police think it's their job to abandon an artist to predators if the predators are supported by big money. I'll bring it up at the next election.

And is anyone shadowing me through that new encrypted https link that I keep reading about here? That's a great tool for fraud, I bet. Great way to confuse everyone about every word I share with the public every day. But it helps to control crime, right? When?

Just a couple more thoughts about the broadcasters. I know you're still probably thinking they're more of a threat to me than to you, but they lie to you about music and poetry and comedy. They knew that Blue Rodeo had stolen at least a full album of my songs in January 2017, as they hyped the big Blue Rodeo concert at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. They knew that that comedy creep on the billboard had committed countless acts of fraud with my blogs and poems. They bared their fangs in late 2007, when they tried to bury my poetry under their pathetic rhyming news reports. I'm surprised I'm the only one who noticed. And they must have told a million lies to support all that fraud with my vast works over the years. Shouldn't we all stop listening to them now? A million lies is a million lies; it doesn't matter who or what they're about.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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