Monday, December 24, 2018

Time for Consideration

Time for Consideration
I was just playing with that slideshow from yesterday and that's good code. I did a good job on that. And it shows how I spend my time in a productive way. And when I share my findings, it may help others who work with the code. So you can't blame me for hating it when someone else comes along with their hacking software that they got from blowing some nerd and always needs to use my things to show off her talent and intelligence. Why do these frauds always need my music and my poetry and my works of humour to show off and make money? Why does this go on so inhumanly long? Because I need my work for more than showing off and making money, I need it to explain how I've spent my life every day, for years and years, because it took hours and hours of every day to produce. Of course, you'd need to be able to count it all to see for yourself, and that would be impossible from the page I keep getting steered to from Mozilla here. It only shows 108 videos when I am now up to 324 videos. So I'm not feeling very grateful this Christmas. I can't even keep my own music. And why me? Why can't they ever do this to someone else in twenty years?   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

2018 Song Posts

David Skerkowski: Record of Music Posts: 2018
Dec 21, 2018 9:36 AM

2018 Music Posts
Style Title/Link Other Data Date Posted On Blogger? Previously Shared?
Music Gr. Moose Dec 21, 2018 9:36 AM Not as rehearsal
Music Juice Dec 21, 2018 9:31 AM Not as rehearsal
Music Currents Dec 20, 2018 12:58 PM Not as rehearsal
Music Denial Dec 20, 2018 12:55 PM Yes Not as rehearsal
Music Redundant Dec 19, 2018 11:34 AM Yes Not as rehearsal
Music Simper Dec 19, 2018 11:30 AM Yes, this year Not as rehearsal
2016 Vlog Hazy Recollections (Remastered) Dec 18, 2018 10:08 AM Yes Yes, in 2016
Music Close Rendezvous Dec 3, 2018 2:35 PM Yes Yes
Music Flimsy Oct 25, 2018 8:17 PM Yes Unknown
Music Bird of Prey - Restored Online Jul 20, 2018 11:26 AM Yes Yes, 2010
Music Preteen Queen - Restored Online Jul 19, 2018 1:06 PM Yes Yes, in 2010
Music Slings and Arrows Jun 21, 2018 5:04 PM Yes Yes, in 2007
Music Simper Jun 10, 2018 12:20 PM Yes
Music Redemption Remix Apr 16, 2018 12:10 PM Yes Yes, in 2007
Music Redemption Apr 10, 2018 3:39 PM Yes Yes, in 2007
Music Next Best Thing Feb 24, 2018 6:42 PM Yes No

(Legal Note: I did notice black bars across the orange circle on my videos when I checked my slideshow on Firefox this morning. Merry Christmas.)

12:43PM December 23, 2018. Just checking at the library. This program appears to be working well for the moment, at least from here.

So, I needed a slideshow chronology for my 2018 music after all, but the songs I posted were mostly of me in the present, playing songs from past years. I also wanted a function that could skip ahead or back in the slideshow to direct user choices. I've never done it before, but I figured it out, as you can hopefully tell by clicking on the above list of my music MP4's from this year. I'll share it here in this blog first, and see if it works okay. I just added Juice and Gr. Moose from the other night.

(For HTML programmers:) Normally you can change the source of an iframe or an embed tag by simply referring to the desired URL, but the music URL's I've stacked into my slideshow here are merged in an array. I therefore had to refer to each URL by its position in this array in order to reach this slideshow with my statement. It was also necessary to reset the date and self subtracting/adding index variable, along with the URL, according to each and all clicking options, in order to keep their users from inadvertently upsetting the slideshow's delicate chronology when accessing this new function.

Back to everyone, this slide show belongs in my Experiments blog from 2016, but whomever stole it from me six months ago looks smart enough already with all my explanations of my javascript slideshow's logic up to now. And I bet they look talented with those indexes holding those links to all my songs and poems here on Blogger. Pretty evil, especially when the work they're stealing reaches the hearts of the public and tricks them out of their money. I wonder how popular they're going to get from this latest round of my music posts.

Now, this is where I have to get funny because I have to explain why I needed to post those last two songs, which I call my psychedelic twins, Juice and Gr. Moose. It's very important that they stay as a pair because they are a binary algorithm which aliens helped me to fine tune into an intergalactic message of peace. By putting it online and beaming it out into space, we will thwart off a takeover by a superior species. They only enslave the assholes. Believe me, that warm, friendly vibe is important. I know they were aliens because they referred to themselves jokingly as 'gods'. They see everything in binary, and that's why we have genders to all life here. Oh yes, they have a French accent, probably appreciating its masculine/feminine noun designations, and a surprising number of them are female and not to be confused with muses.

  More Songs Scripts Statements  
© 2018. Content by David Skerkowski. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Take It from Me

Take It from Me
Below, memories of October 2016, just before the big Blue Rodeo show:

I just can't help turning the odd humorous phrase here and there. Keep an eye on the Lie Guy with this one. A couple hundred of his offences are already listed below.

Sunday's a good day to address my most faithful readers. My recently shared plan of suicide might disturb them, so I thought I should speak a little about how God fits into it for me.

I'd rather not kill myself just yet, but I must tell you that it is becoming more and more desirable to me. From 2007 to 2010, unaware that thousands of posts had been stolen from my Google account, I was unaffected by their passing into the hands of countless frauds. Out of sight was out of pain. Now that most of those works have been restored here and they're all being torn to pieces again, I'm feeling the abuse. It seems inevitable that this constant pain, a kind of pressing heartache, will eventually drive me to the act.

Being so close to my grave has made me very spiritual, so I have my Maker on my mind. I'm even careful to keep my thoughts as clean as possible. There's just one more thing I'd like to say on this topic now. It was provoked by the attitudes of certain trespassers of my copyrights and has to do with God's disagreements with humanity. I feel it necessary to remind the faithful of a scriptural lesson that is getting demolished by modern broadcasting and its parade of frauds with my work. It boils down to God doesn't think like we do. Three important examples of this are with appearances, riches, and heaven.

God was clearly more impressed with a common carpenter's son than he was with the emperor of Rome because God sees beyond appearances into the truth of a person, which exists purely in actions. This was why Christ instructed to 'give no thought to what you should wear.' It won't help you ultimately. A beautiful business suit, which I'd love to put on, is no substitute for beautiful actions. TV commercials seem to say the very opposite: the clothes make the man. You might think a woman is beautiful at first sight, but you'd soon change your mind about her if she betrayed you. God would see past her appearance, straight through to her treachery, from a safe distance.

God is repulsed by material riches. We associate such riches with success, but God, besides being infinitely more impressive, sees them as a barrier to salvation. The physical comfort they offer is limited by our term of existence as physical beings, and threatens to betray the spiritual, immortal part of us. Here Christ is quoted as saying of the doomed rich, 'you have had your easy life.' I enjoy TV shows about rich people, like Columbo. They have more things, which makes them more interesting to watch. Still, we must be careful not to covet their possessions.

My last point, about heaven, has to do with its location. Humans are inclined to think of heaven as a shining palace in the clouds when it is not. God's heaven is a place of the heart. We will never find it by any expedition, method of analysis, or signing of a recording contract, but only by embracing our noblest feelings. (When I do this, I tend to produce my most pleasing works of music, poetry, comedy, and art.) Christ spoke in parables, in order to appeal directly to the hearts of his flock and bypass their heads. It was the only way that God's Kingdom could accurately be described. And what are we losing, as our science grows and grows, and its rationality blinds us from such places that exist in feeling rather than thought?

Nor does Satan's hell exist here, but more likely in a dimension where stolen music and plagiarized comedy are extracted by live vivisection with no anaesthesia. Hey, the only limit is your own imagination!

I've never been very comfortable in this world, since I've never had much money, and it's troubling to learn how casual the rape of my music and comedy has become as a way of showering heartless frauds with comforts and leaving me in the cold. It's the kind of true story that belongs in a scripture, a classic pitting of good against evil, but look at how it gets ripped apart when I try to share it on Blogger and YouTube. Well, however much the government and big business must hate my faith in God, it has preserved me up to this point, so that I may share as much soul protecting truth with you as possible. If only they knew how technological my conversion was, how powerless I was against it; it might give my account more credence, or at least make it more understandable.

I'm up to Season Seven of Ancient Aliens, my inspiration for comedy sketches like the Observatory and I Know All About It. This is a very interesting show when it discusses the paranormal experiences of outstanding people from the past, like Abraham Lincoln's. And was Hitler a contactee? Anti-Semites from space? Who'd have thought the hate spread that far in only 2000 light-years? And did ET's help Von Braun with his V-2's? They must have wanted to wipe out England before Doctor Who could get there. Anyway, people are more inclined to believe that such extraordinary things happen to outstanding people, as with Lincoln or Hitler, but when broadcasters constantly diminish the image of an otherwise outstanding person, it makes his encounter with the phenomenal less believable by making him appear too ordinary for it. Watch out for my deceptive appearance, which is far more their creation than mine in your eyes.

If aliens are involved in this, it's an experiment. Maybe they want to compare the frauds' success with my own. Maybe it's an important experiment, and they need me to survive to get on the stage so that they can complete their analysis. Maybe they'll be extremely cross with anyone who drives me to suicide before that can happen. I wouldn't want those powerful entities pissed off at me, boy.

I have only passing complaints about financial difficulties because I don't expect being rich to solve all my problems. If anything, the great wealth of some of the offenders in this case against me and my work shows just how inadequate earthly riches are when it comes to delivering true happiness. If they were happy with their fortunes, they'd have left me alone on the web with my beautiful songs and blogs, with no credit card and no commercials on my page.

As for my suicide, should it come to pass, it will make no sense to your rational mind. I only hope it will be acceptable to your heart.

Star Copyright Offenders

Transgressor Works Violated Area Period
AC/DC Easy music 2007
Bieber, Justin Hit song about 'being a man' (my original recording lost) music 2007
Blue Rodeo It Makes Me Wonder, Small Miracles (my original recording lost), Mischief, Redemption, Slings and Arrows, 'The Creed' and other poems. music, poetry 2007
Bush, George W. Essay on U.S. Cultural Influence, other mini-essays from March-April 2004 opinion 2004
Beyonce Under My Umbrella music 2008-14
CNN program Privileged Information (The Green Bay Hacker) humor 2007
Carlin, George See George Carlin's Plagiarism personal prose 2006-08
Cohen, Leonard Buck Henry poetry 2007-14
Colbert Report, the Clash of the Puritans, War in the Antarctic, other works humor 2007-11
Coldplay Fool, Canopy, Slings and Arrows music 2007-10
Comedy Central Talk Shows Disembodied cartoon frames and talk show segments, other works humor 2007
Crystalids, the All My Money, Arise, Assault, Bonkers, Busybody, Careful, Chair, Cheer?, Comfort?, Control?, Crybaby, Doors of Love, Easy, Ectomorph, Fantasies, Foothead?, Forgiveness, Free, Frenetic, Godspeed, Harmony, Ho Ho and Ho, Loose?, Lucky Lech?, Mambo Fever, Mistaken?, More Sold Out, Morning Shorelines, Natural, Nonplussed?, Outside, Prone, Rusty, Satellite Sam, Sense, Selfish, Size, Smile, Soliloquay, Spoils, Telepathy, Therapy, Thrown Stones, Tunnel Vision, Ugly, Uneven, Untoward, Widen?, other works music 2007-10
Daily Show, the Johnny Levelhead, the Lunar Dimension, FOX News Hates (videos stolen), Straight from the Belt, Ancient American History, Aunt Sally Doesn't Want You, Rules for Snuggling, other works humor 2007-11
Dateline NBC Accidentaly Blown, the Porcupine Girls, other works humor, poetry, music 2007-13
Degeneres, Ellen See Ellen humor, poetry 2007-14
Eastwood, Clint Killer Ending humor 2007
Ellen Sappho Asparagus, The Widower, the Holy Roller, Mid-Life Crisis (from 2007's hospital visit), Talking Nonchalant (2007's YouTube video), The Civil States?, The Bahn to Buchenwald, Fitness Craze, Girl Logic?, other works humor, poetry 2007-14
'Eye Guy', the (and brother?) Don't know their worthless names: see Saturday Night Live humor, poetry 2007-18
Family Guy War Story: Robot Robot Monster, War Story: Holy War, Insufferable Confession, Michaelangelo's Slip (currently offline), other works humor 2007-13
Fey, Tina See Saturday Night Live humor, poetry 2004-13
Frum, David Republican speeches made from my words opinion 2004
Georgia Straight, the Who Ripped Me Off, Quiz Time, other works humor 1996
Groening, Matt See the Simpsons humor 2007-13
Hanks Tom The Veteran poetry 2007-13
Kimmel, Jimmy Fred's Friendly Frauleins, the X-Ray Player, Get the Waistcoat, Mother Mayhem (video), other works humor 2007-13
Late Night with Conan O'Brien Portions of the Don't Steal Show, JFK conspiracy sketch, other works humor 2007-13
Leno, Jay See the Tonight Show humor, poetry, music 2007-13
MacDonnel-Douglas Bird of Prey music 2007-2010
MacFarlane, Seth See Family Guy humor 2007-13
MAD Magazine Austin Powers I.M.M., other cartoons in apparent support of Mike Myers Austin Powers fraud humor 2007-16
MAD TV Hip Moves, School of Deforming Arts, Tuesday Night Long, the Job, other works perhaps confused by me as SNL crimes, still other works humor 2007-13
Madonna Complicit with bad stars during 2008 Vancouver visit music 2008
Maher, Bill See Real Time humor 2007-15
Miller, Dennis Epilogue: Sneak Peek at My Unpublished Book original theory 2007
Myers, Mike Redemption (music), Orcastra (music), Seal of Doom, Austin Powers, see Saturday Night Live for others humor, poetry, music 2004-13
Nickleback Fool's Paradise, Just Like You (My reject), Nonchalant? music 2007-14
Oasis Fortune music 2001-10
O'Donnell, Rosie Narrative portions of war documentary, 'Shock and Awe' intellectual property 2007-2018
O'Brien, Conan See Late Night with humor 2007-13
Pohler, Amy See Saturday Night Live humor, poetry 2007-13
Real Time 'sometimes wearing khaki', political and religious statements personal prose 2007-15
Rolling Stones, the Nothing but Ashes music 2007-13
Saturday Night Live (Sketches:)
Bait Bikes, Bronson Harley: Portrait of a Badass, Cosmic Christ, the, Don't Destroy the Kitchen, Idiot Stu-dent, the, One Thin Grocer, Shorn Testimony, Thelma Addison's Confusion, The Masked Coward, Tyranny, The Hennessy, The Planet of the Grapes, The Whoopin of Chet Turtleback, The Racoon, The Burning Sun, Silent Night on the Western Front, Patterns of Behaviour (Jane Know-it-all), Chester Windmill Presents, Economics Made Simple, The Search for Blue November, Ears Wide Open, Bullscent Artificial Air Freshener, Minstrel At Arms, Blindsighted Justice, The Flying Peacocks, 'The Rake' Oral Apparatus, Orangatang Flavour Crystals, The Girls of Nightcast, Nightcast: September 22, 2012, Pussy Willow, Nightcast: September 15, 2012, War Story: All's Fair in Love and War, Nightcast: September 8, 2012, It's Unibrow!, It's Unibrow! (Episode Four: Blast in Space), It's Unibrow! (Again), Match Against Machine, The Lost Fight, Ahead of Their Time: Louis Bombardier, Classic Flicks: Portrait of the Scientist..., History's Mysteries: Nadia Stalin, Meddlin' Mom, Nurse Sheridan, Classic Flicks: My Fair Hillbilly, Pick-Me-Up Decaffeinated Coffee, Mystery Movie: Turtleneck: The Vanishing Casino, Monday Night at the Movies: The Pilferer, 'The Fishbowl' Smoker's Helmet, 'Whiff' Insect Repellant for Men, The Lazar Razor, 'The Shot' Wall Syringe, Metaphysical Fitness, Vote for Willie, 'Void' Depressurizing Gum[?], Bigger than the Host, Jesus of Vancouver/Canadian Film Festival, Professional Wisecracker, Stark Raving Mad TV, Running on Air, Not Without My Money, The Dealer (The Collector), Man of His Dreams, The Sling, End Quote, Episode 1/D.S. Show Pilot Sketch - Windox, Episode 3/D.S. Show 1 - Securiguard Home Security, Episode 4/D.S. Show 1 - Dynamo 5000 Air Gun, Episode 5/D.S. Show 1 - Pottypants, Episode 6/D.S. Show 1 - Soundproof Suicide Prevention, Episode 7/D.S. Show 1 - Max-Mix Protein Powder, Episode 8/D.S. Show 1 - Spellbound Spell Checker, Episode 9/D.S. Show 1 - Gas-in-a-Stick Man Repellant, Episode 10/D.S. Show 1 - Immobiline Paralyzing Cream, Episode 11/D.S. Show 1 - Pro-Rate Reputation Salvation, Episode 12/D.S. Show 1 - Angel of Stealth Kite, Episode 13/D.S. Show 1 - Zit Zapper, Episode 14/D.S. Show 1 - Equine Velvet Aftershave, Episode 15/D.S. Show 1 - Work-Mate Brand Replicants, Episode 16/D.S. Show 1 - Jizz Jar, Episode 17/D.S. Show 1 - Breathe Easy, Episode 18/D.S. Show 1 - Cart-in-a-Car, Episode 19/D.S. Show 1 - The Rocket Self-Playing Guitar, Episode 20/D.S. Show 1 - A-WEL Artists Weight Loss Plan[?], Episode 21/D.S. Show 1 - Slobber Guard, Siren Siren, Atomic Self-Heating Soup, Episode 22/D.S. Show 1 - Econoflush Food Recycler, Episode 23/D.S. Show 1 - Vengisil Irritating Powder, Episode 24/D.S. Show 1 - Primetime Polly, Episode 25/D.S. Show 1 - The Mask, Episode 26/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave - Suicide, Episode 27/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave 2 - Protest, Episode 28/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave 3 - Bad Venues, Episode 29/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave 4 - Divine Punishment, Episode 30/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave 5 - Pizza, Episode 2/D.S. Show 2 - Bloodfist Interactive Video Game, Episode 3/D.S. Show 2 - The Church of the Branch Sectarians, Episode 4/D.S. Show 2 - Do-It-Yourself Lawyer[?], Episode 5/D.S. Show 2 - The Hot Seat, Episode 6/D.S. Show 2 - Yum Yum Sugar Sauce, Episode 7/D.S. Show 2 - Tasty Pastry, Episode 9/D.S. Show 2 - Shortcut Guide to Success, Love or Money, Top Stories 1, Campfire Rock, The Straight-Blanket, Top Stories 2, The Insomniac, Gold Rush 2013, Top Story, The Driver, The Dating Game, The Greed Game, Top Stories 4, The Blame Game, Update: War in the Bermuda Triangle, Top Stories 5, The Bermuda Triangle War, Treachery!, Concentration 'X', Nightcast: March 18, 2013, North American Rebel: Behind the Scenes, The Assistant, Nightcast: Top Stories (09-03-13), The Job Lovers Club, The Cutting Room, Pestilence Anti-Pest Pellets, The Vanity Mirrors, Dead Reckoning, Enemy Agent, Celebrity Roundup, Top Stories 6, Top Stories 7, The Red Menace, The Monarch, Flames of Compassion, The Space Suit, Life Shavers, Around the Corner (Public Service Ad), Don't Break the Kitchen, The Convex Corrective Silkscreen Solution, The Multi-Gadge, Family Feudalism, Henderson Mayfield: Hoot Snatcher, Film School Preppie, The Local Banter, The Police Police, Gentrification, A Day in the Afterlife, Jamie Jong: Outlaw Landlord, Movie of the Week: Clarra Claptrap, The Life of Martin, Word Inventor, Loving Blindness, Extreme Irony, The Defector, Safer Sex with Polly Foolscap, Head Case Files/Jerome Adirondack, Head Case Files/Little Brenda, Head Case Files/Stephen's Snow, Stupid Snow, Palumbo[?], Thelma Addison's Confusion/More Stoned, Balogne Bulletin/Aug 2, Schoolyard Scope[?], Slowpoke, The Thousand Dollar Man, Le Miscreant, The Downsizer, Balogne Bulletin/Sep 30, High School Sacramental, Balogne Bulletin/Nov 14, Balogne Bulletin/Nov 21, Balogne Bulletin/Nov 25, Smile-Rite Face Mold, Balogne Bulletin/Nov 28, Wilde on Absinthe, Bum Steer[?], Balogne Bulletin/Dec 5, Balogne Bulletin/Dec 12, The Poisoning of Sir Guy Lombardy, Balogne Bulletin/Dec 19, Balogne Bulletin/Dec 30, Balogne Bulletin/Jan 09/16, Lord of the Fruit Flies, Pretty Boy, the Code Breakers of Stanley Park, Slander!, the Pathogena Hair Defense System, Camp Jesus, Madame Pompadu, other works (Poems:)
Charlotte Harlequin, Entropy's Date, False Prophet, the, First Unholy Roman Emperor, the, Iniquia, Marnie Blarneystone, Mistress Nemesis, Puritan, the, Queen Frig, Redeemer, the, Restless One, the, Rosemary Jones, The Vindictive, The Octiverse, other works
humor, poetry, music 2004-13
Seal Bad News, Beguiled music 2007-15
Shards, the Virtue, Lifeless music 2007-13
Simpsons, the Its the Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse, Cold Blooded Marriage, Lady in Waiting, The Herald (Part V - the Abbey), the Pay Toilet, Ghost in Space? - or was that Family Guy's theft?, Superficialman, plus offline works: 'Alaska Nebraska', Peanuts Halloween parody, and other works humor 2007-13
Stewart, Jon See the Daily Show humor 2007-13
Swift, Taylor Spellbound, Careful, Respect, Dignity music 2007-13
Telus Corporation Friend in Need music 2008-2010
Tonight Show, the (Statements and Sketches:)
The Roachademy, the D.S. Show theme song, Sketched in Stone, Hazbrollah Is Love, Flying Legends, Dear Harry, Freaky Possibilities, Virtue (Shards fraudcast of my song), Groundbreakers of Aviation, D.S. Show 1: Ep. 8, D.S. Show 1: Ep. 15, D.S. Show 2: Ep. 3, Cave Art Epilogue, Tyke Force, Ancient Wisdom: Technology, All the Best Drivers, Domestic Life (currently offline), Lost Opportunity, Flimsy Barriers, Test of Patients, Money Talks, many other works
Jackie the Pro, the Trail Blazer
humor, poetry, music 2007-2013
Vancouver Sun, the Front page 'Sunshine Corner' personal prose 2007
Yoakum, Dwight Together Again music 2007
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Why Stars Go to Hell

Why Stars Go to Hell

A lot of people are looking forward to meeting their favourite stars in Heaven, but they might be in for a surprise when they see who those stars really are. The Heaven-on-Earth offered to stars in this crime culture of ours is truly evil. There's even a physically invasive component to it that must be a government secret. And they don't let you have this Heaven of theirs unless you trade your soul for it. This is probably done voluntarily by most, but in my case they tried to impose it on me in 2011, when I still had a lot of old music unclaimed and a thousand or so comedy blogs to rewrite. The condition of my stardom was the trading of my soul in the form of Nickleback with Fool's Paradise and Nonchalant, Seal with Bad News and Beguiled, Blue Rodeo with Mischief and Close Rendezvous, plus TV shows like Saturday Night Live, Ellen, the Simpsons, and others, with all the comedy sketches in my blogs as listed below in my Copyright Offenders index, all of which have come to light since 2011. As long as these vast portions of my music and comedy remained in the hands of frauds, the industry was willing to support my bid for success in 2011. How generous of them. And see how they've withdrawn their support since I rewrote and reclaimed all these old works? If I want my soul, I must sacrifice my success in the industry.

In 2011, that boy who mocked me as I walked by him yesterday was only about two. Look at the world he's growing up in.

I believe in my soul. I've had very convincing dreams to assure me of its existence. I've witnessed firsthand the suicide of an artist, one who showed me the way to salvation. The very sidewalk wept for him when he died. Anyway, I would never trade my soul for anything, and that seems to be my barrier to success in this world. Now my life is being made unlivable by constant fraud with my music and comedy combined with the neglect of authorities who are supposed to protect me. God knows that I'm being crucified here and that crucifixion kills. He will not blame me for my suicide, since I would be very happy to live my life under less excruciating conditions. The blood that broadcasters and stars and certain police and certain lawyers and certain politicians are bidding for will pass onto their hands, where it will stay until their final judgment. Until I put a stop to it by killing myself, I feel myself being torn to shreds by the countless violations of my work here on Google, but I must endure.

The only thing I have to worry about is making sure I've done all I can to champion the truth before I go. That's why I'm trying to register my songs now. I'd like to register all of them over the next year or two. If they want to speed up my suicide, just get them to reject my registration. With that last hope of leaving an accurate account of my life gone, there will be nothing left for me to live for, and God will understand. I've also found a place where I might be able to register my poems and comedy scripts. And I'd like to post my frameset containing all my blogs somewhere outside of Blogger. My posts are getting destroyed here. Once these things are done, if no one still wants to help me, I will be free to grant the industry's wish for my blood.

To give you an example of how truth is getting destroyed here, I've been informed that readers are viewing my 'chrono-dave.blogspot' link through an encrypted outside connection. After I struggle to organize a chronology of my videos to explain my argument, the last thing I want is to be blocked from what outside readers see when they view the page. So I had a peek at my home files of this blog to give you the tally of videos which should be listed there. For 2018, there should be 60 videos with 2 not yet added from yesterday. 2017 has 17 videos. 2016 has 34 videos. 2015 has 13 videos. 2014 has 41 videos. 2013 has 28 videos. 2012 has 19 videos. 2011 has 59 videos. And 2010 has 55 videos. The total comes to 326, which is about ten over what I have on YouTube because of the erasing and reposting of ten or twelve songs from the last eight years, which called for their double mention in my chronology. Is that how many are visible through this -uh - 'encrypted' link? I seriously doubt it. And don't bother calling the cops. But I can make them come for one thing, right, cops? When I put the note on my door, it will say, NOW THE POLICE WILL COME. The smell will tell my co-tenants the rest. I'll leave my door unlocked.

Star Copyright Offenders

Transgressor Works Violated Area Period
AC/DC Easy music 2007
Bieber, Justin Hit song about 'being a man' (my original recording lost) music 2007
Blue Rodeo It Makes Me Wonder, Small Miracles (my original recording lost), Mischief, Redemption, Slings and Arrows, 'The Creed' and other poems. music, poetry 2007
Bush, George W. Essay on U.S. Cultural Influence, other mini-essays from March-April 2004 opinion 2004
Beyonce Under My Umbrella music 2008-14
CNN program Privileged Information (The Green Bay Hacker) humor 2007
Carlin, George See George Carlin's Plagiarism personal prose 2006-08
Cohen, Leonard Buck Henry poetry 2007-14
Colbert Report, the Clash of the Puritans, War in the Antarctic, other works humor 2007-11
Coldplay Fool, Canopy, Slings and Arrows music 2007-10
Comedy Central Talk Shows Disembodied cartoon frames and talk show segments, other works humor 2007
Crystalids, the All My Money, Arise, Assault, Bonkers, Busybody, Careful, Chair, Cheer?, Comfort?, Control?, Crybaby, Doors of Love, Easy, Ectomorph, Fantasies, Foothead?, Forgiveness, Free, Frenetic, Godspeed, Harmony, Ho Ho and Ho, Loose?, Lucky Lech?, Mambo Fever, Mistaken?, More Sold Out, Morning Shorelines, Natural, Nonplussed?, Outside, Prone, Rusty, Satellite Sam, Sense, Selfish, Size, Smile, Soliloquay, Spoils, Telepathy, Therapy, Thrown Stones, Tunnel Vision, Ugly, Uneven, Untoward, Widen?, other works music 2007-10
Daily Show, the Johnny Levelhead, the Lunar Dimension, FOX News Hates (videos stolen), Straight from the Belt, Ancient American History, Aunt Sally Doesn't Want You, Rules for Snuggling, other works humor 2007-11
Dateline NBC Accidentaly Blown, the Porcupine Girls, other works humor, poetry, music 2007-13
Degeneres, Ellen See Ellen humor, poetry 2007-14
Eastwood, Clint Killer Ending humor 2007
Ellen Sappho Asparagus, The Widower, the Holy Roller, Mid-Life Crisis (from 2007's hospital visit), Talking Nonchalant (2007's YouTube video), The Civil States?, The Bahn to Buchenwald, Fitness Craze, Girl Logic?, other works humor, poetry 2007-14
'Eye Guy', the (and brother?) Don't know their worthless names: see Saturday Night Live humor, poetry 2007-18
Family Guy War Story: Robot Robot Monster, War Story: Holy War, Insufferable Confession, Michaelangelo's Slip (currently offline), other works humor 2007-13
Fey, Tina See Saturday Night Live humor, poetry 2004-13
Frum, David Republican speeches made from my words opinion 2004
Georgia Straight, the Who Ripped Me Off, Quiz Time, other works humor 1996
Groening, Matt See the Simpsons humor 2007-13
Hanks Tom The Veteran poetry 2007-13
Kimmel, Jimmy Fred's Friendly Frauleins, the X-Ray Player, Get the Waistcoat, Mother Mayhem (video), other works humor 2007-13
Late Night with Conan O'Brien Portions of the Don't Steal Show, JFK conspiracy sketch, other works humor 2007-13
Leno, Jay See the Tonight Show humor, poetry, music 2007-13
MacDonnel-Douglas Bird of Prey music 2007-2010
MacFarlane, Seth See Family Guy humor 2007-13
MAD Magazine Austin Powers I.M.M., other cartoons in apparent support of Mike Myers Austin Powers fraud humor 2007-16
MAD TV Hip Moves, School of Deforming Arts, Tuesday Night Long, the Job, other works perhaps confused by me as SNL crimes, still other works humor 2007-13
Madonna Complicit with bad stars during 2008 Vancouver visit music 2008
Maher, Bill See Real Time humor 2007-15
Miller, Dennis Epilogue: Sneak Peek at My Unpublished Book original theory 2007
Myers, Mike Redemption (music), Orcastra (music), Seal of Doom, Austin Powers, see Saturday Night Live for others humor, poetry, music 2004-13
Nickleback Fool's Paradise, Just Like You (My reject), Nonchalant? music 2007-14
Oasis Fortune music 2001-10
O'Donnell, Rosie Narrative portions of war documentary, 'Shock and Awe' intellectual property 2007-2018
O'Brien, Conan See Late Night with humor 2007-13
Pohler, Amy See Saturday Night Live humor, poetry 2007-13
Real Time 'sometimes wearing khaki', political and religious statements personal prose 2007-15
Rolling Stones, the Nothing but Ashes music 2007-13
Saturday Night Live (Sketches:)
Bait Bikes, Bronson Harley: Portrait of a Badass, Cosmic Christ, the, Don't Destroy the Kitchen, Idiot Stu-dent, the, One Thin Grocer, Shorn Testimony, Thelma Addison's Confusion, The Masked Coward, Tyranny, The Hennessy, The Planet of the Grapes, The Whoopin of Chet Turtleback, The Racoon, The Burning Sun, Silent Night on the Western Front, Patterns of Behaviour (Jane Know-it-all), Chester Windmill Presents, Economics Made Simple, The Search for Blue November, Ears Wide Open, Bullscent Artificial Air Freshener, Minstrel At Arms, Blindsighted Justice, The Flying Peacocks, 'The Rake' Oral Apparatus, Orangatang Flavour Crystals, The Girls of Nightcast, Nightcast: September 22, 2012, Pussy Willow, Nightcast: September 15, 2012, War Story: All's Fair in Love and War, Nightcast: September 8, 2012, It's Unibrow!, It's Unibrow! (Episode Four: Blast in Space), It's Unibrow! (Again), Match Against Machine, The Lost Fight, Ahead of Their Time: Louis Bombardier, Classic Flicks: Portrait of the Scientist..., History's Mysteries: Nadia Stalin, Meddlin' Mom, Nurse Sheridan, Classic Flicks: My Fair Hillbilly, Pick-Me-Up Decaffeinated Coffee, Mystery Movie: Turtleneck: The Vanishing Casino, Monday Night at the Movies: The Pilferer, 'The Fishbowl' Smoker's Helmet, 'Whiff' Insect Repellant for Men, The Lazar Razor, 'The Shot' Wall Syringe, Metaphysical Fitness, Vote for Willie, 'Void' Depressurizing Gum[?], Bigger than the Host, Jesus of Vancouver/Canadian Film Festival, Professional Wisecracker, Stark Raving Mad TV, Running on Air, Not Without My Money, The Dealer (The Collector), Man of His Dreams, The Sling, End Quote, Episode 1/D.S. Show Pilot Sketch - Windox, Episode 3/D.S. Show 1 - Securiguard Home Security, Episode 4/D.S. Show 1 - Dynamo 5000 Air Gun, Episode 5/D.S. Show 1 - Pottypants, Episode 6/D.S. Show 1 - Soundproof Suicide Prevention, Episode 7/D.S. Show 1 - Max-Mix Protein Powder, Episode 8/D.S. Show 1 - Spellbound Spell Checker, Episode 9/D.S. Show 1 - Gas-in-a-Stick Man Repellant, Episode 10/D.S. Show 1 - Immobiline Paralyzing Cream, Episode 11/D.S. Show 1 - Pro-Rate Reputation Salvation, Episode 12/D.S. Show 1 - Angel of Stealth Kite, Episode 13/D.S. Show 1 - Zit Zapper, Episode 14/D.S. Show 1 - Equine Velvet Aftershave, Episode 15/D.S. Show 1 - Work-Mate Brand Replicants, Episode 16/D.S. Show 1 - Jizz Jar, Episode 17/D.S. Show 1 - Breathe Easy, Episode 18/D.S. Show 1 - Cart-in-a-Car, Episode 19/D.S. Show 1 - The Rocket Self-Playing Guitar, Episode 20/D.S. Show 1 - A-WEL Artists Weight Loss Plan[?], Episode 21/D.S. Show 1 - Slobber Guard, Siren Siren, Atomic Self-Heating Soup, Episode 22/D.S. Show 1 - Econoflush Food Recycler, Episode 23/D.S. Show 1 - Vengisil Irritating Powder, Episode 24/D.S. Show 1 - Primetime Polly, Episode 25/D.S. Show 1 - The Mask, Episode 26/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave - Suicide, Episode 27/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave 2 - Protest, Episode 28/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave 3 - Bad Venues, Episode 29/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave 4 - Divine Punishment, Episode 30/D.S. Show 1 - Save Dave 5 - Pizza, Episode 2/D.S. Show 2 - Bloodfist Interactive Video Game, Episode 3/D.S. Show 2 - The Church of the Branch Sectarians, Episode 4/D.S. Show 2 - Do-It-Yourself Lawyer[?], Episode 5/D.S. Show 2 - The Hot Seat, Episode 6/D.S. Show 2 - Yum Yum Sugar Sauce, Episode 7/D.S. Show 2 - Tasty Pastry, Episode 9/D.S. Show 2 - Shortcut Guide to Success, Love or Money, Top Stories 1, Campfire Rock, The Straight-Blanket, Top Stories 2, The Insomniac, Gold Rush 2013, Top Story, The Driver, The Dating Game, The Greed Game, Top Stories 4, The Blame Game, Update: War in the Bermuda Triangle, Top Stories 5, The Bermuda Triangle War, Treachery!, Concentration 'X', Nightcast: March 18, 2013, North American Rebel: Behind the Scenes, The Assistant, Nightcast: Top Stories (09-03-13), The Job Lovers Club, The Cutting Room, Pestilence Anti-Pest Pellets, The Vanity Mirrors, Dead Reckoning, Enemy Agent, Celebrity Roundup, Top Stories 6, Top Stories 7, The Red Menace, The Monarch, Flames of Compassion, The Space Suit, Life Shavers, Around the Corner (Public Service Ad), Don't Break the Kitchen, The Convex Corrective Silkscreen Solution, The Multi-Gadge, Family Feudalism, Henderson Mayfield: Hoot Snatcher, Film School Preppie, The Local Banter, The Police Police, Gentrification, A Day in the Afterlife, Jamie Jong: Outlaw Landlord, Movie of the Week: Clarra Claptrap, The Life of Martin, Word Inventor, Loving Blindness, Extreme Irony, The Defector, Safer Sex with Polly Foolscap, Head Case Files/Jerome Adirondack, Head Case Files/Little Brenda, Head Case Files/Stephen's Snow, Stupid Snow, Palumbo[?], Thelma Addison's Confusion/More Stoned, Balogne Bulletin/Aug 2, Schoolyard Scope[?], Slowpoke, The Thousand Dollar Man, Le Miscreant, The Downsizer, Balogne Bulletin/Sep 30, High School Sacramental, Balogne Bulletin/Nov 14, Balogne Bulletin/Nov 21, Balogne Bulletin/Nov 25, Smile-Rite Face Mold, Balogne Bulletin/Nov 28, Wilde on Absinthe, Bum Steer[?], Balogne Bulletin/Dec 5, Balogne Bulletin/Dec 12, The Poisoning of Sir Guy Lombardy, Balogne Bulletin/Dec 19, Balogne Bulletin/Dec 30, Balogne Bulletin/Jan 09/16, Lord of the Fruit Flies, Pretty Boy, the Code Breakers of Stanley Park, Slander!, the Pathogena Hair Defense System, Camp Jesus, Madame Pompadu, other works (Poems:)
Charlotte Harlequin, Entropy's Date, False Prophet, the, First Unholy Roman Emperor, the, Iniquia, Marnie Blarneystone, Mistress Nemesis, Puritan, the, Queen Frig, Redeemer, the, Restless One, the, Rosemary Jones, The Vindictive, The Octiverse, other works
humor, poetry, music 2004-13
Seal Bad News, Beguiled music 2007-15
Shards, the Virtue, Lifeless music 2007-13
Simpsons, the Its the Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse, Cold Blooded Marriage, Lady in Waiting, The Herald (Part V - the Abbey), the Pay Toilet, Ghost in Space? - or was that Family Guy's theft?, Superficialman, plus offline works: 'Alaska Nebraska', Peanuts Halloween parody, and other works humor 2007-13
Stewart, Jon See the Daily Show humor 2007-13
Swift, Taylor Spellbound, Careful, Respect, Dignity music 2007-13
Telus Corporation Friend in Need music 2008-2010
Tonight Show, the (Statements and Sketches:)
The Roachademy, the D.S. Show theme song, Sketched in Stone, Hazbrollah Is Love, Flying Legends, Dear Harry, Freaky Possibilities, Virtue (Shards fraudcast of my song), Groundbreakers of Aviation, D.S. Show 1: Ep. 8, D.S. Show 1: Ep. 15, D.S. Show 2: Ep. 3, Cave Art Epilogue, Tyke Force, Ancient Wisdom: Technology, All the Best Drivers, Domestic Life (currently offline), Lost Opportunity, Flimsy Barriers, Test of Patients, Money Talks, many other works
Jackie the Pro, the Trail Blazer
humor, poetry, music 2007-2013
Vancouver Sun, the Front page 'Sunshine Corner' personal prose 2007
Yoakum, Dwight Together Again music 2007
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.