Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I'm Fine

I'm Fine
I've been corresponding with a local IP lawyer about the assaults on my Blogger account and just received my last message from him. I gather that the usual assaults on my character have been circulating to support thefts of my content from this account and from my YouTube account. It's not a life-or-death problem for me, though, and I'm sure I'm on the right track with focusing on my music at home. In a year or two, I'll have enough new songs and comedy ideas built up to move forward without having to resort to playing old songs that got ripped off by radio bands. The comedy will just build up over time. I can let it accumulate without sharing it and save it for the future.

I thought I should at least tell you something I just figured out this morning. I don't have a bleeding ulcer like I thought. I just drank too much Clamato at once. They should put a warning on their label. It can scare the hell out of you if you don't know what it is. Glad I got to the bottom of that problem. I think I'm going to celebrate with a beer.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Script Doctor

Script Doctor
I'm in a situation right now where I have to take a strong position against the industry to validate my ownership claims. I find it uncomfortable but necessary, and I hope I don't offend too many TV and radio fans in my harsh criticisms of broadcasters. It may surprise you to know that I still watch Columbo on DVD, which is an NBC classic. I sometimes wonder if its corrupt, upper-class villains aren't drawn directly from the network's own circles; as a writer, I know that the details that make a script believable are far easier to produce from experience than from imagination. Still, I hope I didn't hurt Peter Falk with my playful lampoon, the Writer Did It - 2011. I think Columbo is a monumental character. In an appearance based society like ours, a character like him is a breath of fresh air. He looks incompetent, but he is a total genius. Appearances count for too much in our society. It opens the door to great evil.

We may live in an unjust world, but if you have a job to focus on through the day and broadcasting to distract you at home, you don't notice it. Corporate broadcasts are designed to distract you in your idle moments and prevent you from ever sensing the injustice of your condition. I once held full-time jobs and used my TV deliberately to this end. After all, out of sight is out of mind, and isn't it better to lose yourself in a good song or a well written work of comedy than to face unpleasant facts? With all those taxpayers out there, I know I'm not the only victim of tyranny by rich oppressors, but I seem to be the only one who cannot turn to broadcasting for my artificial escape from it. This is because the TV and radio were themselves the wrongdoers in my case.

Instead, my escape must be in my own imagination, and I expect to produce a lot more songs and stories in the years ahead. Since I will be writing largely to distract me from my nagging state, I expect that they would make good broadcasting material. It's no coincidence that my dialogues take the form of television scripts; that's the kind of distraction I am seeking with the exercise of writing them. In so doing, I may have inadvertently authored my own oppression when they were stolen and turned to network fraud. Do you see the irony of this situation? My life is plagued by irony. I stumble on it all the time. Eventually, I'll stay down.

I wouldn't have minded other people using my words if I got paid for it. Script doctors do that all the time. I'd be a good script doctor. I edit and improve my own scripts all the time. Anyway, writing has always had a therapeutic effect on me, and I need all the therapy I can get at the moment. I hope everyone liked that last song I posted, by the way. Sounds good to me. You can tell I wrote it out of my head because the chords in that middle part are so awkward.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Beware the Desperate Treacherous

Beware the Desperate Treacherous
Some have criticized me for staying online as my work is being abused. By doing so, I may inadvertently provide the abusers with new material for their fraud bands or fraud routines. But before the victim is again being blamed for the offences against him in this case, ask yourself for a better way to maintain my credibility as the author of my work. I'd hoped that by now enough people would have had the experience of first seeing David Skerkowski's new works in David Skerkowski's Google account, but broadcasting and billboards seem capable of making them forget this experience. (I'll be anglicizing that name for the stage, by the way. It baffles a lot of Canadians.)

Since June this year, I have not just had my online works hijacked, but at the hands of serious offenders who have already been incarcerated and punished for past crimes against me. Furthermore, I have made daily video posts through periods of intense abuse at the hands of frauds which have largely been received with indifference. The frauds who steal my work get their faces on billboards around here, to force the public onto their side and taunt me with their criminal success. All this has put me in a bitter mood, since I am ultimately innocent and undeserving of so much doubt and suspicion over some psychopath's need to be worshiped with my life and my work.

Treacherous villains get even more treacherous when they get desperate. The longer I stay online, the more desperate the treacherous industry culprits become, the dirtier and dirtier their lies grow, to the point where I no longer want to know what anyone heard about me in the street. (I have to hear it anyway.) I think the broadcasters of our time have heedlessly betrayed your children by making them fearful of a harmless poet like myself, who threatens only to make them laugh, and driving them into the arms of predators with my property. And if that's how the business wants to make money, and if that's how they're allowed to conduct their affairs for eleven years, you can't blame me for calling this system a crimocracy. I'm not saying so to make you laugh, like that 'lie guy' dipshit on the billboard might do - or his fallen idol, Carlin; I'm dead serious about it, and about the menace it poses to you and your children. Having no justice in your life cuts down drastically on your standard of living.

This continuous fraud with my online posts is a particularly sadistic crime against an artist who is almost physically attached to his work. I put so much of myself into my work that it can feel like I am being physically gutted when a fraud is thanked for stealing it and lying to you with it. But who gets to feel good when that happens? Who gets paid when that happens? And how many times has it happened in the last eleven years when once would have already been too many? Why am I forced to distance myself from my own cherished work for protection? If you like it, is that any way to thank me for authoring it? And why are crowds around here so incapable of resisting repeat offenders of my copyright? What are broadcasters doing to their brains to keep their fraud lie going? What further treachery are they resorting to out of desperation to sustain their illusion of innocence at the further expense of their poor, struggling victim?

No, I've never been arrested or incarcerated. We don't throw poets in prison for saying they wrote their own work. And I didn't start out on Google with any intention of 'proving' anything, but just to try to entertain people. Arguing my innocence came after.

Because such treacherous people as those in broadcasting who still support crimes against me may impair my brain function through their insidious broadcast signal, I don't watch TV. I did find a great Swedish TV series in the public library, though. It's a murder mystery series set in 1790. I'm sure it pleased me a lot more than anything playing on the dumb, empty cable channels. I like European TV. Some of my kin recently visited Ireland and had a good time there, but I'll have to spend more money protecting my image and my work before I can go on any nice trips like that.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Pox Romanus

Pox Romanus
I'm watching a documentary about ancient Rome. With all the injustices I've suffered on my mind, I'm skeptical about the use of this ancient civilization as a model for modern republics.

Looking back on the Romans, we tend to only notice their achievements, like their great architectural works and roads. If we look more carefully at them, and at certain Americans who would emulate them, we might notice some serious faults. Slaves outnumbered the citizens in ancient Rome. Look, there's Einstein, dragging a battering ram up a ramp. And there's Shakespeare, digging a hole in the mud. Not quite as brutal as the soup lines and homeless shelters faced by today's unsupported talent, but hardly a progressive example to follow. And how about their entertainment? Who wants to get together and watch helpless prisoners being torn to pieces in the arena? What does such public sport say about their humanity? The Roman political system was corrupt. Candidates known as 'straw men' ran for public office, paid to lose, merely to present the illusion of a democratic choice to voters. Sound familiar? But the thing I hate the most about ancient Rome is their suffocating classism. This is the most unfortunate aspect that has been passed on to us: the old 'it's not what you know but who you know' dictum for social advancement. Besides being oppressive, it's highly inefficient, since it lets fools and scoundrels rise to the top on the mere strength of their social connections. For instance, it let George W. Bush win two presidential terms at the same time as it has drastically interfered with my honest success.

Just as with U.S presidents, it was 'hit and miss' when it came to finding a good emperor in ancient Rome. The bad emperors, like Caligula, stood out more, but there were some good ones, too, like Vespasian, who uttered, 'Dear me! I think I'm turning into a god.' on his death bed. I like a witty emperor who can face death with a clever quip like that. Too bad their system couldn't produce such fit leaders more consistently.

Had the Romans offered a little more opportunity to their slaves, maybe they'd have developed broadcasting technology, like the broadcasting technology that got Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933, or the broadcasting technology that got countless frauds 'elected' as rock stars and comedy stars with stolen songs and blogs from my Google account. They might have lasted a lot longer with such total control over the public mind - maybe even all the way to the present. As it is, modern tyrants seem content to use these tools to pick up where their ancient idols left off.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Price of Honesty

The Price of Honesty
Back in 2007, when I first shared my songs, I once posted ten songs at once. I heard my own voice calling me a fool for doing it. Part of me was very angry that I shared so many songs for free in my Blogger account in 2007. But I didn't know that my songs were valuable, and I didn't think there was anything wrong with trying to make people feel good with my work. Now, if I could talk to that person I was in 2007, I would call him a fool.

They put 'artist' on a recording contract to identify the person who writes the work, but a real artist is often very different from an industry supported star. In my case, my work comes from my heart, which gives me an empathic connection to my work's consumers. I want to please them. If I don't, I'll feel their disappointment. Having such a heart makes a person inclined to share freely and try to do right by his fellows. Above all, an artist like me is concerned with the quality of his work above all else, including profits. I think this pure motive comes out in my music or comedy or whatever I'm writing. As such, it gives the illusion of credibility to whoever steals it and passes it off as their own.

But I was a fool for not seeing the danger presented by a brutal industry that only cares about profits. When I write a good new song, there's no rush to make money from it; I'm just happy that I did a good job. If I share it with them, they want to make money from it right away, and that's why broadcasters support fraud with my work.

I could use the money to pay my lawyer now, the one who is going to investigate Blogger for me and catch this newest offender. I could use money to help me get on my feet with my act. But I don't have a credit card. There's nothing wrong with my credit rating, I just never got around to getting one. Without a credit card, I can't put commercials on my songs and get paid for them. Frauds see that and think my song is going to waste. You know what comes after.

All the same, I wouldn't have been able to reclaim so much of my old work if I'd gotten paid for it sooner. My work comes from my life, and if my life changes radically, I am far less likely to rewrite anything from the past. So, as stressful as it has been for me to constantly see my image dragged through the mud by one industry supported fraud after another in the last eleven years, it will have been worth it if it smashes the kind of Satanic evil that would have children loving vicious psychopaths just so the industry can have more profits.

They can kick up a fuss about my old songs and I'll just write new ones and keep them between me and the Songwriters Association. My new ones are bound to be better than my old ones anyway. As for my comedy, I'm a musician and my songs are far more valuable than my blogs. I'm only concerned about the damage to my image caused by people hijacking my blogs. I don't care that much about my comedy - at least, compared to my music.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Never Forget Day

Never Forget Day
No holiday today? After a stat holiday fell on a Sunday? If I were a worker, I'd protest.

When I think of November 11, which we call 'Remembrance Day' in Canada, I remember more than the soldiers who fought and who fell for my country, I remember November 11, 2012. Do you remember November 11, 2012? Were any of you tuned into NBC on November 11, 2012? I don't have a TV, of course. Wow, that sure was a difficult day for me. You know, I spent almost the whole day feeling like someone was pushing my head underwater with one hand, and sticking a cattle prod up my ass with the other. I almost jumped off the Burrard Street Bridge on November 11, 2012. Tell me, was there some sort of 'trial' broadcast on that day? Was I up against Jon Stewart over a dispute with my blogs? And then, at the end of the day, was it announced that Jon Stewart was 'out on bail'? I can only guess, of course, but it would explain a lot about how people were treating me on that day.

And lawyers don't like fake trials. They take trials seriously. And I had a lawyer watching out for me in the months that followed. Well, anyway, I won't ever forget November 11, 2012. That's for sure.

November 13/18: Do you print media know what I heard a radio announcer say as I walked by a construction site just now? He put down magazines, saying he hasn't read a magazine in seven years. No? What about the Georgia Straight when it promotes one of his fraud bands with my music? Does that not count? Anyway, he needs to fill all the dead air left behind by me reclaiming my songs with something. I think his lengthy blabbing is a poor substitute, myself. No one reads magazines, eh? What about women? What about all the women who were handed dirty frauds in my place by people like this braying radio announcer? And who all reads my blogs? How did so many end up on TV with other people's names on them if no one reads them? I think bad broadcasters should burn at the stake.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Someone's Stealing All My Blogs

Someone's Stealing All My Blogs
November 12/18: Did everyone make it to this page yet? That sure is a lot of blogs to steal from me. I also received a subscriber notification for this blog. How do you like that? I spend eight years blogging my case against my enemies and they turn around and steal all my blogs when I'm done. I think the thieves should be locked up and made to read every word that they stole from me.[END OF INSERTION.]

I need to warn the world about a serious criminal takeover of my blogs. I received an email notification today from Blogger which took me for a subscriber of my own blogs. The blogs listed as belonging to someone else included:

LYRICS:A-Z (My Lyrics Index.)
Madonna Went to Prison
Posterior Reflections
We're All Dying
2018 Song Posts
Nothing to Lose
2017 Song Posts
Copyright 2004
Statements of Fact
The Unmentionables
Blog Index 2010-16 (My Chronoblog)
Broadcasting Artist Killers Breed Fraud
Chaos and Cartoonery
ALL OFFENDERS (My copyright offenders page)
CARTOONS:A-Z (My cartoons index)

That's a lot of blogs to steal, eh? And I tried to report it to Google but all it wanted to do was offer useless information to me. Until this is fixed, it will be the only thing I'll talk about in my YouTube videos.

And did you know what I had to listen to from this? About how I'm 'nasty'. It sure has been stressful.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018




November 10/18:

I am also suspicious of my gmail's inbox, whose URL says:

The Hash symbol (#) often appears in my URL window now, which means that someone else is laying claim to my account on Google. I am posting my complaints about it here, and I'm going to ask a lawyer how much it will cost me to clean up all this crime myself, since no one else seems to be interested.[END OF INSERTION]

I knew I shouldn't have come back to this damn account. All it does is drive me crazy to see all the web crimes committed against me. Hey, Business, are you going to make a movie to glorify your fraud now? Your greatness of your crime has certainly exceeded the greatness of my talent up to this point. Why don't you make a movie out of your crimes with my music - to help explain why there is so much chit-chat on the rock stations now instead of my music? And you can show your kids how to be successful: by being a treacherous scoundrel! Because if they're honest, they'll only end up in my shoes. Are you going to do it? Are you going to wait until your stars are all out of prison so you can round them all up for it? And here's a thought for radio listeners: when you hear a song you like on the radio, how do you know that the person who wrote it wasn't killed by the person who's singing it to you and getting all the love and money and attention for it? I'd be wondering, if I were you.

I'm not with the business. If I was, I wouldn't be allowed to criticize them so bitterly. I hope one day I can find a lawyer who is also not with the business. Maybe together we can sue Telus and sue Peasantsin and all the other pricks who've been deliberately helping the crimes against me and my work. I'd be a lot happier with that than with a recording contract.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Post Script: November 4, 2018

Post Script: November 4, 2018
I know I said I'd never come back here, but never say 'never', right? I had to address some more legal issues which have built up over the last couple of months. Firstly, how long did it take that comedy dickhead to get back on a stage after I announced my departure from the web? And was everyone happy to see him again, or were they like whomever defaced his billboard in front of the Vancouver Film School and think he's a 'shameless vampire'? Whomever defaced his promotion that did the right thing. It's wrong for criminal frauds to be presented as idols. The business musn't think so, but it is. The other thing is about my music's registration. I've started registering my songs with SAC. Back when they were SOCAN in 2007, I was about to register a batch of songs when I checked and noticed that a member of Blue Rodeo was their president. If you'll recall, Blue Rodeo was the fraud band that had the children in the schoolyard rebuking me as I passed by them to visit lawyers in early 2017. I hope this organization has a new president now. It costs me money to register my songs, but it's a point of honour to me - after all the filthy lies about my ownership. Too bad there's no way I can register my comedy scripts, since they get stolen even more than my songs, but maybe I'll find some way. I had a decent birthday this year. Thanks to anyone who remembered. November 5/18:

This is for criminal investigators, a few thoughts about possible motives for crimes against me and my work. People like this 'Lie Guy', who steal intellectual property, are insecure about their intelligence. And bands like the Crystalids, who steal intellectual property, are insecure about their intelligence. They also want to get rich by breaking the law. Therefore, they would have the sympathy of any local plutocrats who are insecure about their intelligence and who got rich by breaking the law - and perhaps used the money to establish a billboard empire. That might be why it's taking so long to move past this crime at this location. I never minded playing dumb on the job to spare the egos of my superiors in the workplace, but in my music and poetry and comedy, I give more pleasure by being as brilliant as I can be. The only people it causes to suffer are dishonest performers and corrupt business people.

November 6/18:

Just a little more to get off my chest about this issue. I see we're having a municipal referendum. Why don't we have a referendum on the use of public billboards in our municipality? For instance, should public billboards be used to promote convicted frauds and tyrannize their crime victims in the street? We might also more closely examine the wealthy in our municipality to see who among them is actually fit for power. To me, you need more than money to be fit for power, you must also have class. Does Jimmy Peasantsin have class? What class did he flunk out of in school? Class class? Should we have someone who hates artists and wants to destroy music in a position of authority in our municipality? Well, at least I know how to get going on my new comic strip.

(If anyone uses the following I will prosecute them for copyright violation.) Episode 1: Scene: The Vancouver Art Gallery. Tour Guide to Browser: ...And this is The Mona Lisa... And this is Van Gogh's Sunflowers... They come to a beat up license plate mounted in an elegant frame... Browser: What's that? Andy Warhol? Tour Guide: Don't you know? That's Peasantsin's first sale! It's easy to make fun of evil people, but not so easy to keep your work from being violated afterward. See the Netherwork Series I wrote about NBC's evil or Buck Henry, which was inspired by Dick Cheney's evil.

7:41 pm. If there have been any more arrests and incarcerations of offenders of my work, I haven't heard anything about it. I'm at the public library to find another Doctor Who. That last one about plutocracy on the planet Pluto was brilliant (The Sun Makers - 1977). Robert Graves apparently had more freedom to criticize capitalism in 1977 than I do now. Too bad I can't vote for a candidate like Doctor Who. He'd straighten out this municipality fast.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.